Sunday 3 May 2009

Killing The Conspiracy

David Aaronovitch is a man of such judgement that he has segued effortlessly from Cold War Communist Party apparatchik to Blair cheerleader and fanatical warmonger.

He has apparently published a book in which he equates questioning Dr David Kelly’s suicide with The Da Vinci Code and the sorts of conspiracy theories that attach to the death of Marilyn Monroe.

Well, there is one thing that would not satisfy the utter diehards (since nothing would), but which would satisfy everyone else.

So, where is it?

Where is the Coroner’s Inquest?

And why hasn’t it already happened?


  1. Aaronovitch seems to have a lot in common with Maureen Lipman, Mad Mel and Miriam Karlin.
    All upstanding trendy leftiy right on people until something happened to make them war-mongering neo cons.On the face of it, they do not seem to have much in common..if they have anything in common what on earth can it be?
    Answers please on a postcard.
    It would appear to me.....and I suspect many reasonable people that there is a lot more to the David Kelly "suicide" than meets the eye.
    I do not actually think that he was "eliminated" by the spooks but he was certainly failed by those who had a duty of care.
    As to conspiracy own firm belief is that we are all entitled to believe ONE conspiracy theory.
    I have a favourite one. No doubt you do too.
    Maybe Diana was murdered, maybe the CIA killed Kennedy, maybe the Titanic did not really sink, Maybe "Man" did not land on the moon, Maybe the Americans blew up the Twin Towers, maybe the Royal Family are alien reptiles, Maybe David Trimble was an MI5 "plant", maybe Martians landed at Roswell.....all individually I hold people have a perfect right to believe.
    But to believe any two of these and the other better known conspiracies is a sure sign of madness.
    My own conspiracy theory is.......well actually I have THREE. LOL

  2. The inquest wasn't reopened because Dr Kelly's family accepted the finding of the Hutton inquiry as to the cause of death.

    You really are as stupid as the Martin Miller episode suggests, aren't you?

  3. "Maybe David Trimble was an MI5 "plant""

    That one strikes me as perfectly plausible. Not a "plant", just an agent. It had never occurred to me before, but why not?

    " Dr Kelly's family accepted the finding of the Hutton inquiry"

    I suppose someone had to.

    Anyway, so what? Contrary to what is often assumed, a Coroner's Inquest is not for the benefit of the deceased's family. Technically, they don't even have to be informed that it is being held. From time to time, they aren't. Bad practice, perhaps. But perfectly within both the letter and the spirit of the law.

  4. Actually David Trimble WAS a MI5 agent.

  5. It would be at least no more remarkable if Gerry Adams or Martin Maguiness were...

    Anyway, back on topic.
