Tuesday 5 May 2009

Georgia On No One’s Mind

The day before NATO exercises are due to start in Georgia, lo and behold, a “coup attempt” is “put down”. Not only that, but the dastardly plot was “backed by Russia”. Who’d have thought it?

It is all laughable, of course. Though also rather sad. It is high time to stop stringing Georgia along. The Americans themselves have now rejected neoconservatism at the ballot box.

The present Georgian regime, “elected” with well over ninety per cent of the vote and nothing better to say than that the previous elections had been rigged as well, can simply forget its desire to become part of a European superstate (itself another mercifully fast-fading dream) under overall American control, as any such superstate has always been intended to be.

The would-be genocidal intervention in territories nominally held by Georgia on nothing more than the word of Stalin, and never run from Tbilisi since the end of the Soviet Union, received absolutely no Western support of the kind that matters. Take the hint.

And that was before the global economic crisis. In the Caucasus as surely as in the South China Sea or in the Levant, the days of some blue state themepark are numbered. The Americans can no longer afford such hobbies. And their elections are now clearly decided by the people who never had any desire to. Perhaps they really always were. But now someone is paying any attention to them. Not before time.


  1. Well put. The insanity of signing up Georgia & Ukraine to NATO & thereby all guaranteeing to go to war to help them against enemies domestic & foreign would be putting both feet on a board we know to be rotten.

    That weatern "observers" & journalists found nothing dodgy in eorgia's +90% election does not make more credible their prec vious assertions that those in Serbia, Ukraine, Belarus & Georgia itself were dodgy. Our media seem to believe that "democracy" is anything that comes up with a result NATO like.

  2. Except that NATO clearly couldn't care less any more.
