Wednesday 13 August 2008

The BDJ Challenge

For the benefit of "Break Dancing Jesus" (a very frequent, if not always published, contributor to this blog), I am hereby inviting that towering intellect, and arbiter of other people's talents, to tell us all everything that he knows about each of the following, all drawn (as many others could have been) from recent posts:

Richard Dawkins
A C Grayling
Saint Augustine of Hippo
Saint Thomas More
Blessed Pius IX
Claude Henri de Rouvroy, comte de Saint-Simon
Joseph de Maistre
Juan Donoso Cortés
Klemens Wenzel von Metternich
Charles Fourier
G K Chesterton
Hillaire Belloc
Engelbert Dolfuss
António de Salazar
B A Santamaria
Dorothy Day
Robert Lewis Dabney
Chales Hodge
Friedrich Julius Stahl
Abraham Kuyper
Guillaume Groen van Prinsterer
Frederick Denison Maurice
Charles Kingsley
Thomas Hughes
James Keir Hardie
Philip Snowden
Ben Tillet
Tom Mann
Katherine Glasier
Margaret McMillan
Rachel McMillan
George Lansbury
Arthur Henderson
Joseph Clynes
Norman Thomas
Tommy Douglas
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Share Our Wealth
The Farm-Labor Party
Greek (in the context of Christianity in the Holy Land)
Latin (in the context of Christianity in the Holy Land)
Syrian Catholic
Armenian (in the context of Christianity in the Holy Land)
The Anglican community in the Holy Land
The Lutheran community in the Holy Land
Pat Buchanan
Robert Kagan
C S Lewis
The Alliance for Marriage
The Institute of Globalisation Studies, Moscow
Beatrix Campbell
Mother Gaia
Estado Novo
The Law of Return
Franjo Tudjman
Antemurale Christianitatis
The Lower Remove
John Pilger
President Truman
Fellow-travellers (in the context)
Dinko Sakic
The Requiem Mass
The Book of Common Prayer

I know a Wikipedia entry when I see one.

So, over to you, BDJ...


  1. David, this is pretty ludicrous and childish of you. But can I suggest that you, too, post everything you know about everything in your list?

  2. Well, that would take quite a while. Whereas for BDJ, it would take no time at all. Literally none.

    Am I wrong, BDJ? If so, then over to you...

  3. So you're refusing to do it on the grounds that it would take you too long. Fair enough, but if BDJ declines the challenge for the same reason, it would be double standards not to take him at his word if we're taking you at yours, wouldn't it?

  4. Even if you know more than BDJ does about some of these things (maybe you do, maybe you don't), I'm sure BDJ knows more than you do about some other things. Not that it matters.

    (By the way, you've posted several times openly proclaiming your ignorance about Richard Dawkins and his work - you admit you don't know anything about his research background. Nothing wrong with that, but why is he on the list?)

  5. Oh dear, I have touched some raw nerves, haven't I?

    Not BDJ, my knowledge of these people and things is, at least in part, discernable from reading this blog. BDJ's allegedly superior knowledge (and you should see some of his comments that I don't put up) of these and all other people and things is discernable from where, exactly?

    Anonymous, I only ever ask rhetorical questions about Dawkins. He scientific credentials consist of a doctorate out of the ark (so to speak), and that is pretty much it. And he says that being sexually abused at prep school never did him any harm at all.

    BDJ, where are you? I am not putting up any more comments on this thread except your response to The BDJ Challenge.

  6. Well, this post has only been up for an hour. He probably hasn't seen it yet - he might not see it for days. And if he does, I don't see why he should respond.

  7. He has seen it, and tried to post a comment.

    However, it was not a response to The BDJ Challenge, unless you count admitting to knowing absolutely nothing about any of these people or things, but nevertheless insisting that this made me, and not him, at fault. So I didn't put it up. Perhaps I should have done, though, so that we could all laugh at him as usual.

    And I would certainly put up any proper response. So come on, BDJ. It's over to you now...

  8. Go on, put it up.

  9. Luckily, it was still in my inbox:


    Your life is all "isms" isn't it.

    No, better to taunt you on Kamm/Harry's Place etc. The blogs you read but claim you do not!

    And no editorial control from you!

    You ridiculous man!

    Kamm for leader of the BPA

    (By the way I am Tolkein, not a Lewis man)

    I will return"

    He himself clearly doesn't read either Harry's Place or Oliver Kamm's blog, since if he did, then he would know that I not only read them, but comment on them, entirely openly.

    And note that "I am Tolkein", though apparently he is also Aragorn: "I will return". Bless...

  10. If the only thing he knows about C S Lewis is that he wrote the Narnia books, then I think we can guess the only thing he knows about Charles Kingsley.

  11. If he even knows that, Gandalf. If he even knows that.

    But he does know what he has to do, of course.

    So, BDJ, where are you?

  12. How interesting. I know who BDJ is, and I know that he could not possibly be at a computer at the minute, and so could not have posted that comment. So David, over to you. Who wrote that comment? Was it a actually you?

  13. As I said, I deleted it, because it was not a response to The BDJ Challenge. But every comment comes both here and to my inbox. It was still in my inbox. So, when someone specifically requested to see it, I put it up.

    Of course he wrote it! Who else on here writes as badly as that?

  14. What a foolish post. As if somebody is realistically going to write all they know about a list of around 50 things. It wold take hours, and completely disable the capacity of this blog. So it won't be done. This doesn't prove anything.

  15. I was always taught that it was a particular type of inferior person who constantly sought to prove their intellectual superiority, and it was the mark of a gentleman who felt no need to do so. A shame you did not have such a good education in matters such as this, David.

  16. Normally I would agree, Cyril. But you don't have to see those of BDJ's comments which I won't publish.

    Anonymous, I'd settle for even one of them from him. Where is he?

  17. I agree with Cyril. Is this exercise anything more than an intellectual version of "I have a bigger pen*s than you" (excuse the crudeness)?

  18. Don't go there, don't go there.

    And BDJ, I think we can safely say, don't come here again. You probably weren't going to, anyway. This blog is for your betters, dear boy.

  19. So you are sent silly comments. It matters not. A gentleman rises above them, rather than engages wwith his detractors on a similar level by responding to them. Lofty disdain, David. It is how the empire was won.

  20. But rather a lot of them, I'm afraid. And from someone who needed to be brought down a peg or two.

    But having dealt with the little local difficulty, I can of course now return to lofty disdain.

  21. But it doesn't bring him down a peg or two. It legitimises him, and brings you down a peg or two. Really David, I am disappointed that you don't seem to realise this.

  22. I hardly think that it legitimises him!

    He ends every comment with something along the lines of "you ridiculous man", having begun most of them with something along the lines of "What are you talking about?" Well, BDJ, what can YOU talk about, you ridiculous little boy?

    There's time yet. When I return, tomorrow afternoon, he might have proved us wrong.

    So, over to you, BDJ...
