Friday 24 June 2022

Wading Through

I do not know who has more to fear today. The Republicans, that the white Evangelicals and the Catholic working class could now go home. Or the Democrats, that the white Evangelicals and the Catholic working class could now come home. In any case, all that the Supreme Court has done has been to send abortion back to the states. Put not your trust in princes. This ruling is welcome enough, but it is very far indeed from being sufficient.

Each and every individual human life is absolutely sacred from the point of fertilisation to the point of natural death. That principle is the foundation of all morality. We struggle against evils that include direct abortion, indirect abortion at least except where any other course of action would result in the loss of both lives, euthanasia, assisted suicide, destructive experimentation on embryonic human beings, human cloning, human-animal hybridity, “saviour siblings”, capital punishment, and unjust war, if any war be just, but certainly including total war, preemptive war, the international trade in arms, and the manufacture, possession or use of nuclear, radiological, chemical or biological weapons. Their victims are disproportionately working-class people and people of colour.

Therefore, we struggle against evils that include poverty, racism, sexual promiscuity, pornography, eugenics, marginalisation of people with disabilities, lack of due respect for old age, refusal to celebrate the infinite beauty of every human being as the image and likeness of God, refusal to respect the dignity of parents as the first educators of their children, classification of human beings solely or primarily as economic units, and policies likely to give rise to armed conflict. Their victims are disproportionately working-class people and people of colour. And while they remained, then there would always be at least as many abortions as there were now, if not even more.



    1. They have not banned abortion. Few, if any, of the trigger bans will now survive more than a few electoral cycles. And all the while, the economic and foreign policies of both parties will result in at least as many abortions as there have ever been. The fundamental and ultimate answer is not the Tenth Amendment, but the Gospel.

  2. I share your view. This is a step though to at least remove the character of abortion being enshrined as a constitutional right. But it will continue to happen. I agree that the ultimate answer is in the Gospel.

  3. America is now divided into two countries (Republican and Democrat) on this and every issue from immigration to gun control,so it’s only right that this returned for the states . That the red states are all now banning abortion (while the blue ones are setting themselves up as abortion sanctuaries) emphasises the fact they really are two utterly separate nations.

    1. Those bans will last three electoral cycles as an absolute maximum, and it will not be because the states had changed party.

  4. Not a chance, this is central to America’s wider culture war and where you stand on abortion, as on other issues such as gun control, now defines you as either leftwing or rightwing, Republican or Democrat. That’s how polarised politics now is over there. Half of all US states are bringing in abortion bans because that’s how they define themselves. While the other half are setting themselves up as sanctuaries for the same reason.

    1. Those red state bans won't last 12 years, and that is being generous. The economic policies of both parties depend very heavily indeed on abortion.

  5. A Republican state legalising abortion after the repeal of Roe v Wade is about as likely as anyone-from either party- standing for President on a ticket of opposing the death penalty. That will never happen in America.

    1. Not all of the trigger laws are what they are being cracked up to be, and the pro-life movement did not take over the Republican Party. The Republican Party took over the pro-life movement. You'll see.

    2. You’ve failed to notice the cultural divide in America means that the map of abortion bans and legislatures will always reflect party lines. If you’re leftwing and American you support abortion and vice versa. That’s how it always will be.

    3. You'll see. Fairly soon, in fact.

  6. Exactly. The Republicans are going to have to choose between their economic ideology and pro-life, and we all know which they are going to choose.
