Saturday, 18 July 2015

What The Heil

At the last nine General Elections, it has been perfectly possible to identify the de facto Head of this State, the man who appointed the Prime Minister.

And that has been a man, which the Queen is not.

However, one of Rupert Murdoch's choices did think of herself as the Head of State, actively usurping the Queen's role on the national and international stages.

In that, she was ably assisted by Murdoch's most popular newspaper.

She used it in order to vilify the Royal Family, and he, its Editor-in-Chief as well as its proprietor, allowed her to do so.

She, he and it brought this country closer to the abolition of the monarchy than at any time since 1660.

Today, he and it are at it again.

The question is, why?

1 comment:

  1. It was punishment for when she spoke out against the 5eye-NATO axis at the state dinner in Germany not so long ago. Mention of the Ukraine and our (UK) ties to the region particularly drew the ire of this neo fascist Axis; that's the irony and why Murdoch thought such a move would work.

    Jame Kirkcaldy (@Bradford_Indie)
