Thursday, 9 June 2011


Ha, Ha, Ha.

In fact, the colloquial use of that word derives from Vienna sausages. One of numerous examples of German influence in American English.

The House of Representatives once came within one vote of making German the only official language of the United States, and there were numerous German place names in America before 1917. In particular, anywhere called Liberty was probably called something German until the US entered the First World War.

If white America has a motherland, then that motherland is Germany. That they speak English in America is basically an accident, and not one that might last very long into the twenty-first century. We probably have the blacks to thank for it more than anyone else. Them, and the Irish Catholics. When will we get the message?



    I accept that German ancestry is the most common among white Americans but the one vote thing isn't quite true.

  2. We have been over that one on here before. I might even have remarked then on the very telling determination that it must not, cannot be true.

    But it is as true as the fact that even a Scots-Irish Southerner and Rhodes Scholar like Bill Clinton preferred Germany to Britain, and it is as true as the fact that a believer that the Pope is the Antichrist can nevertheless be treated as a serious Presidential candidate if she has a German surname and her belief comes from her very hardline Confessional Lutheranism. Her Christian Zionism certainly doesn't, but that's another story.
