Thursday, 23 June 2011

Right All Along I

But why wait for a privatisation which will almost certainly never happen?

Why not pay each of us a dividend from the profits to which public ownership returned the banks until Osborne blundered in, and would return them again if he were replaced with a competent person? Ed Miliband, over to you.

What a thing it is to have been right all along. But where do they find people so stupid that they cannot see these things from the start?


  1. "What a thing it is to have been right all along."

    When you experience that, do share

  2. Since you ask, there is also the little matter of always having said that the euro would last only until the Germans were asked to bail out some or other member of the Club Med, at which point German public opinion would rise up and destroy the entire project.

    Just as well that we stayed out of it. Good old Gordon Brown, Ed Miliband and Ed Balls. It would never have happened if Labour had not won the 1997 Election. Ken Clarke would have remained Chancellor and we'd have gone it at the start, as Blair also wanted us to do but could not get past those three.
