Saturday, 18 June 2011

Don't Allow This

"Allowed" to work for less than the minimum wage? When you are a more vulnerable person to begin with? Allowed? Allowed? Allowed?

Shame on the BBC. Shame on Channel Four News. Shame on everyone who has let this one pass.

But they did. So, can we expect a lot more of this sort of thing? Alas, I fully expect that we can.

1 comment:

  1. Wearily I take up my keyboard to point out that this is a red herring. Yes, "allowed" may very probably turn into "forced"; I take the point.

    But Mr Davies' point was a point about what we are allowed to do. We are not allowed to offer to work for less than the minimum wage. He tells us that some of his contituents would like to offer to work for less. But they are not allowed to. Allowed. Allowed. Allowed.

    I don't know whether Mr Davies is telling the truth about his constituents' wishes. And there is, clearly, a lot of doubt about whether is is wise to take away this restriction. It might well be very unwise, for the sake of the whole community, to do so.

    Fixing of prices and wages is entirely traditional, and has been done in the past both for the good of the poor and to their detriment. I don't know whether the fixing of wages at the bottom end is for the good of the poor or not. But I think Mr Davies should be allowed to ask the question.
