Wednesday, 16 September 2020


Is the Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle employing as a Safeguarding Coordinator the kind of former Police Officer who thinks that mixed-race people ought not to exist at all, and certainly ought not to stand for Parliament? If the case against me proceeds at Newton Aycliffe Magistrates' Court at 9:30 tomorrow morning, or at any other time,  then yes, it is.

Does the Bishop of Hexham and Newcastle, The Right Reverend Robert Byrne CO, think that mixed-race people ought not to exist at all, and certainly ought not to stand for Parliament? If the case against me proceeds at Newton Aycliffe Magistrates' Court at 9:30 tomorrow morning, or at any other time,  then yes, he does. Would fully publicised Black Lives Matter demonstrations outside Bishop's House in Newcastle therefore be in order? Yes, they would be. Would I address them if invited to do so? Yes, I would.

Does the Parish Priest of Lanchester, Father Cornelius O'Connor, think that mixed-race people ought not to exist at all, and certainly ought not to stand for Parliament? If the case against me proceeds at Newton Aycliffe Magistrates' Court at 9:30 tomorrow morning, or at any other time, then yes, he does. Would fully publicised Black Lives Matter demonstrations outside All Saints Presbytery in Lanchester therefore be in order? Yes, they would be. Would I address them if invited to do so? Yes, I would.

Is it the policy of the Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle that the position set out here and here constitutes a safeguarding risk, and that anyone who promotes it deserves to be slandered in his parish community while being hounded through the courts, all in order to stop him from standing for Parliament in 2024 or at any future point?

For example:

“A strict rule is not only necessary for ruling; it is also necessary for rebelling,” since, “a fixed and familiar ideal is necessary to any sort of revolution.” God has revealed all that the Holy Roman Church professes Him to have revealed. Each and every individual human life is absolutely sacred from the point of fertilisation to the point of natural death. That principle is the foundation of all morality. We struggle against evils that include direct abortion, indirect abortion at least except where any other course of action would result in the loss of both lives, euthanasia, assisted suicide, destructive experimentation on embryonic human beings, human cloning, human-animal hybridity, “saviour siblings”, capital punishment, and unjust war, if any war be just, but certainly including total war, preemptive war, the international trade in arms, and the manufacture, possession or use of nuclear, radiological, chemical or biological weapons. Their victims are disproportionately working-class people and people of colour. Therefore, we struggle against evils that include poverty, racism, sexual promiscuity, pornography, eugenics, marginalisation of people with disabilities, lack of due respect for old age, refusal to celebrate the infinite beauty of every human being as the image and likeness of God, refusal to respect the dignity of parents as the first educators of their children, classification of human beings solely or primarily as economic units, and policies likely to give rise to armed conflict. Their victims are disproportionately working-class people and people of colour.


God has given Man dominion over the beasts, thus over the land, and thus over everything on and under the land. God has given Man dominion over the fish, thus over the waters, and thus over everything in and under the waters. God has given Man dominion over the birds, thus over the sky, and thus over everything in the sky, as far up as the sky goes, and the sky goes up a very long way. That dominion is entrusted so that we might “be fruitful and multiply”. Entrusted as it is to the whole human race, its purpose is, “To increase the power of Man over Nature, and to abolish the power of Man over Man.” 


If a scientific fact as basic and as obvious as biological sex can be denied, then so can any other scientific fact, to the ruin of human progress. It is contrary both to whole history of human experience, and to the plain facts of biological science, to suggest either that sexual orientation is fixed, or that “gender” is “fluid”. “Sex is a biological fact, and is immutable. There are two sexes, male and female. Men and boys are male. Women and girls are female. It is impossible to change sex. These were until very recently understood as basic facts of life by almost everyone.” No one is “born in the wrong body”. Women-only spaces must be defended, including in sport. The “gender reassignment” of children and adolescents must be resisted.


The denial of the ancient indigenous Christian presence in the Holy Land, where it created modern Palestinian identity, contributes significantly to the worldwide persecution of Christians. The Palestinian Christians’ ancestors predated the Israelite Conquest, they founded Jerusalem, and they became Christian when or before the Roman Empire did. One’s attitude to the Palestinian struggle is the litmus test of one’s attitude to the specific phenomenon of white violence against people of colour throughout the world, including in Britain.


Christian witness in Britain today depends on communities with roots in Africa and the Caribbean, Eastern Europe and Latin America, Asia and the Pacific.


Parents are the first educators of their children.


The withdrawal of nutrition and hydration is intentional killing, and Parliament needs to legislate to make that clear. Funds should be diverted to palliative care, to the hospice movement, and to research on adult and cord blood stem cells. We need to ban Fixed Odds Betting Terminals, empower local authorities to limit the number of gambling venues, insist on the use of that power, end gambling on television, end the advertising of gambling other than at venues such as casinos and betting shops, and ban gambling with credit cards. There should be no further deregulation of Sunday trading. 


the repeal of the ludicrous provision for two persons of the same sex to be listed as a child’s parents on a birth certificate 


We need to give any marrying couple the right to register their marriage as bound by the divorce law that obtained prior to 1969, give any religious organisation the right to specify that any marriage that it conducted would be so bound, give existing married couples the right to re-register their marriages as being so bound, and remove the restriction of civil partnerships to unrelated couples. We need to make it a criminal offence for anyone aged 21 or over to buy or sell sex, with equal sentencing on both sides. ... The whole concept of gender self-identification should be banished. 


We need a criminal offence of sexual activity with any person under the age of 18 who was more than two years younger than oneself, with a maximum sentence equal to twice the difference in age, abolition of different rules for “positions of trust”, and a ban on abortion or contraception for those under 18 at least without parental knowledge and consent.

If the case against me proceeds at Newton Aycliffe Magistrates' Court at 9:30 tomorrow morning, or at any other time, then yes, it is indeed the position of the Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle, of The Right Reverend Robert Byrne CO, and of Father Cornelius O'Connor, that these views constitute a safeguarding risk, and that anyone who expresses them deserves to be slandered in his parish community while being hounded through the courts, all in order to stop him from standing for Parliament in 2024 or at any future point.

Once again, fully publicised demonstrations will be in order outside Bishop's House in Newcastle and outside All Saints Presbytery in Lanchester. And once again, if I were to be invited to do so, then I would address those demonstrations.

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