Friday, 25 September 2020

Study This

You never see those very strong Brannigan's Roast Beef and Mustard crisps anymore, do you? There was no coronavirus when we had them. Well, there was no Covid-19, anyway. Notice that it is ripping and roaring its way through the freshers, but the Sixth Formers are supposed to be all but immune to it.

All sorts of questions are about to present themselves, if they are not already doing so. For example, there is the general insistence of the school system on treating four-year-olds and 18-year-olds as if they were the same age, such as ending their school days at the same time.

Or there is the treatment of students as really still resident at their parents' addresses, so that, among other things, they do not pay Council Tax. Yet they are to be prevented from "going home" this Christmas, since that would mix households. But the official line is that they are members of their parents' households. Or is it?

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