Friday 13 August 2010

Growing By The Rhine

It is not about the euro. Look at some of the countries that have that. No, it is specifically about the Rhineland model.


  1. Oh look, now he's deleted everything! The humiliation got too much for you to be reminded of it, did it? Well don't worry, because a screengrab of the whole hilarious mess you got yourself into has been taken and sent round all interested Durham parties.

  2. There aren't any. I like Durham, and Durham likes me. In the unlikely event that you have ever been there, then neither of those things was the case. My enemies are of certain very definite types, including people who cannot understand why everyone didn't hate Durham as much as they did because it somehow failed to recognise how brilliant and important they were. The same response from the rest of the world seems not to have lessened the pain of the first such cut. Ho, hum.

  3. Based on that, I think I know who Tom is. If he were still at Durham then he would have had some unforgettable visits this morning.

  4. I was not under general anaesthetic and being cut open this morning.

    Actually, I was at a funeral. But not his.

  5. No wonder they favour the present system, which has resulted in mass graduate employment. If you had your way they would have jobs.

  6. They favour the present system because it means that they have never needed to work. While it lasts, then they never will need to work. You seem to have met them, or at least to have met the type, so you will be aware that that is just as well for them. Though not for the rest of us. So, tough.
