Wednesday 25 August 2010

Cut David Miliband

Today, to no one's surprise, he lines up with the Coalition's savage cuts in public spending, and even calls for them to go further. Well, of course he does. He supports none of the good things about this Government. But he invented all the bad things. Thank goodness that he is making plans to leave Parliament and this country, possibly before the turn of the year. Very good riddance indeed.


  1. Can I just double check - will David Miliband leave Parliament and the country before or after some of your other infamous predictions:

    a) Geoff Mulgan gets a peerage
    b) Peter Mandelson works for the Tories
    c) James Purnell does likewise

  2. Mulgan once went to the length of posting a comment on the website of not the sort of American magazine of which one can picture him as a regular reader, denying this beacuse I had said it. Everyone knew it. Everyone knew all of these things.

    I have been told very angrily by persons who, shall we say, have never had cause to flatter my vanity that I did "enormous damage" to these cosy little schemes by banging on about them in certain corners of the Internet. Well, I live to serve and I aim to please. In this case, I appear to have done both.

    Mind you, give them time. Just what are Mulgan, Mandelson, Purnell and the rest of them up to these days? What will they be up to a year from now?

    That Miliband D is going to quit if he doesn't win has now appeared on Coffee House, I am told in Fraser Nelson's News of the World column, and no doubt in other places besides. Like the Mulgan, Mandelson and Purnell stories, in fact. I only hope that I play no part, however small, in keeping him in Parliament after all.

  3. Course, David. The only reason they haven't happened is because you publicised it and made everyone scared. You blew the gasket, man. You blew it wide open. You're like a modern day Deep Throat.

    Good thing that people don't aim to flatter your vanity - you seem to be doing a perfectly good job of that yourself.

  4. One of them really did blow a gasket. It was very funny to watch. I said, "What sort of power do you think that I have?" Much to my amusement, I was then told. If only. But then again, probably not.

    Anyway, they think that I certainly made a contribution, and perhaps I did. But they haven't gone away. Nor have I stopped watching them. And nor have certain other people...
