Tuesday 2 March 2010

The Very Infrastructure

I am shocked and appalled that there exists in this country a body committed to changing the "very infrastructure of society, its institutions, its culture, its political order", and which even goes so far as to use the political process, including for some reason the remnant political parties, to this nefarious end.

Just as well that there was no Andrew Gilligan when Shaftesbury and Wilberforce were knocking about as Tory campaigners against phenomena now well on the way back. Or when Victorian Nonconformists were using the Liberal Party to fight against opium dens and the compelling of people to work seven-day weeks, both of which have now returned in full. Or when temperance Methodists and traditional Catholics were building the Labour Party in order to counteract brutal capitalism precisely so as to prevent a Marxist revolution, whereas the coherence of the former with the cultural aspects of the latter now reigns supreme.

For be in no doubt. Those shouting loudest about the Islamic Forum of Europe do not want an Islamised Britain any more than I do. But they are just as dedicated in their hostility to the only thing that can prevent it. In that, they are certainly not above alliance with their supposed, but our real, enemy, in such forms as their dear friends the black-shirted pimp and heroin-trafficker Hashim Thaçi (who is somehow also both a Wahhabi and a Maoist - he really is what the more hysterical Tea Party attendees imagine Obama to be), or the terrorist Akhmed Zakayev whom they require this country to harbour, or the recently apprehended terrorist Abdulmalik Rigi, or the newly arrested war criminal Ejup Ganic.

So those people are out there. But thanks to the very people most animated tonight, at least one of them is not just out there, he is in here. Why would he, like the IFE, not find more than conducive the rootless wasteland that they have created, biding time until the inevitable turn against their usury, promiscuity and stupefaction, and mindful that they have banished from the public sphere the Christianity to which that turn would otherwise have been?

The Christianity of Shaftesbury and Wilberforce the Tories. The Christianity of Victorian Liberalism. The Christianity that animated the Labour Movement. The Christianity that is committed to changing the "very infrastructure of society, its institutions, its culture, its political order", not merely by infiltrating political parties and forces, but by creating them. As nothing else in this country's history has ever been capable of doing on any mass basis. Rather than as ever-tinier sects appealing to ever-tinier proportions of the eligible vote. For example, New Labour, the New Tories, and the Liberal Democrats.


  1. Please return the Telegraph blog! Your articles deserve wider readership than on blogger.

  2. Plenty of irons in the fire...
