Sunday 4 November 2007

Dodgy Money Is Like A Yeast Infection

For half my lifetime, I have been hearing and reading impeccably sourced and exhaustively checked accounts of the staggeringly corrupt and corrupting activities of the "abortion up to partial birth", "every woman should have one in order to purge herself of motherhood", "all sex with men is rape", "men are just sperm banks and cash machines whose cash should in any case be collected and distributed impersonally by the State", "compulsory abortion of the severely disabled and of second or subsequent sons" lobby, now occupying even the Deputy Leadership of the Labour Party, for which no male person should ever vote again.

Those impeccably sourced and exhaustively checked accounts have been completely ignored by the media, thanks to that lobby's vast wealth and apparently unassailable power (under governments of both parties), including huge numbers of bought and paid for MPs of all parties, though on the Labour side long primarily through Emily's List. Completely ignored until now, anyway.


  1. What an absolutely disgraceful way to talk about half the population and those who stand up for themselves. I can't see that your party will benefit from your wantonly insulting anyone who "expresses sentiments which differentiate them from a doormat or prostitute". FYI I am a male person and my vote counted for Harriet Harman in the final analysis - in retrospect I'm glad it did.

  2. Why? She hates you. She hates us all.

    There is now no more reason for men (who have traditionally voted Labour far more than women) to vote Labour than for working-class people to do so, or for people in the North to do so, and so forth. In other words, no reason at all to do so, and every reason not to.

    The 1970s man-haters are bang to rights. They have been caught buying MPs in the most flagrantly corrupt fashion, as some of us have always known that they did. It will be interesting to see how far the media runs with this, especially as all three parties are up to their necks in it, and have been for 30 years.

  3. Why don't you run women candidates against everyone exposed as paid agents of Emily's List?
