Tuesday 2 July 2024

Are We Nearly There Yet?

Only seven weeks? Even the D-Day carry-on feels more distant than that, and the palaver over National Service feels like a year ago. That betting business seems to have fizzled out, as things that threatened to engulf both main parties generally do. Funny, that.

Boris Johnson? The Conservatives must think that even their own members are not going to vote for them. Anecdotally, they are right. No, they have not packed Reform UK with sleeper agents. They could have done that in their glory days. But these are not their glory days.

By far the most stable Government to have been headed by a Conservative this century was the one that had the Liberal Democrats in it, and it did a great many terrible things, for which both of those parties were equally to blame. But Ed Davey's buffoonish antics have so obscured his direct personal responsibility for the Post Office scandal that he might end this week as the Leader of the Opposition.

Yet even he could not provide less opposition than the Great Abstainer, Keir Starmer, upholder of the two-child benefit cap against Suella Braverman and Nigel Farage. Change will come only if you vote for it. You can vote for it only if it is on offer. Where you can, as here at North Durham, vote for the Workers Party of Britain.


  1. This campaign period has been excruciating.

    1. When did we become only half as efficient as the French?
