Monday 29 July 2024

Seven Years On

Seven years ago today, I wrote:

Who, exactly, are the Venezuelan opposition? What, exactly, do they want instead of Maduro?

We never asked about the Kosovo "Liberation" "Army". We never asked about the Northern Alliance. Remember them?

We never asked about Ahmed Chalabi, never mind about the people who really did take over Iraq. 

We never asked about the people who are now fighting it out, apparently without end, for control of Libya.

We never asked about the rebels in Syria, right up to the point when they declared themselves to be the Islamic State.

Well, some of us did ask, of course. Most notably, Jeremy Corbyn.

We are due an intervention, so to speak, from Tony Blair on Venezuela. Listen to him. Listen to Corbyn.

And then ask yourself whose record you trust.

Here we are again. As much as anything else, does the opposition not lay claim to Essequibo?


  1. People who couldn't find Venezuela on a map will be flapping their gums.

  2. Venezuela is one of those obsessions of liberals and righties who can't bear to be defied.

    1. Indeed. Its very existence is what annoys them.

  3. Its very existence is what annoys them.

    No, it’s the crushing of its democracy and liberty that annoys all right thinking people. Just why did they block all those independent observers from watching the count and just where are those voting tallies they still haven’t released (after a “victory” despite polls showing a big majority for Maduro’s opponent)?

    I couldn’t possibly imagine…

    1. What could possibly exercise them about that all-too-prevalent sort of thing in the country with the world’s largest proven crude oil reserves?

      I couldn’t possibly imagine…
