Saturday 27 July 2024

The Aesthetics of Sport Are Intangible?

"Imagine there's no countries"? In that case, then how would the Olympics work?

Paris. Yer actual Paris. But all that they could find to show the world was that. Still, the same would be true in any Western city now. Never mind the host city in 2028, yer actual Los Angeles. Naked men painted blue will be a lost age of innocence.

Then again, what innocence has there ever been to lose? From certain circles, complaints about what the Eurovision Song Contest had become were met with a bewildered, "What did you think that you had been looking at all those years?" Look back at Eurovisions of old with 2020s vision, and of course that is a perfectly valid point. What did we think that we had been looking at all those years? Who has always dominated light entertainment?

Likewise, the desire to restore the athletic pursuits of Ancient Greece? By the members of the European elites and of their satellites on other shores, formed in and by certain educational institutions? I mean, come on. Nor have Opening Ceremonies ever been coy about it. It is just that the rest of us can see it now.


  1. Western culture goes back to the Greeks so it's gay through and through.

    1. I'll be doing a post on this today or tomorrow.

  2. Been enjoying your comments about this on Twitter.
