Wednesday 17 July 2024

Change of Use

It must be 25 years since I first had a letter published, which was the only way of doing these things in those days, calling for a statutory requirement of planning permission for change of use if it were proposed to turn a primary dwelling into a secondary dwelling, a working family home into a weekend or holiday home.

As the issue has arisen, I have used every available means to advocate this ever since. I  make no claim to have been influential. I only note who has eventually come to the same conclusion. Michael Gove was moving in the right direction, and now Plaid Cymru-controlled Gwynedd Council has made the move. With Labour representing great swathes of rural England, over to Angela Rayner.


  1. Abolishing leasehold, making employment rights start with employment and apply regardless of hours, you keep going, Mr. Lindsay.
