Thursday, 2 January 2020

What The World Thinks, Indeed

Serious doubts are being expressed about YouGov's supposed poll of Labour Party members, but what if it is at least broadly accurate?

Everything else about Jeremy Corbyn was already known in 2017, when Labour came within two points of victory, so 2019's disaster was caused by the abandonment of the previous commitment to Brexit.

Without that, then Labour would now be the largest party in a hung Parliament. And other than Corbyn himself, the man most responsible for that was Keir Starmer. 

Yet now Starmer, whose role in the case of Julian Assange had already rendered him unfit, would win the Labour Leadership Election. You know what? That rings true.

But then, other than the pointedly unpolled Ian Lavery, any Labour Leadership candidate would lose the party a further third even of its support from last year. The only question would be which third.

Meanwhile, however, I will be standing for Parliament again here at North West Durham next time, so please give generously. In any event, please email Very many thanks.

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