Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Who Cares About Tommy Robinson?

There is still a Cabinet Minister the Vice-President of whose successful Leadership Campaign, a mere 12 years ago, had a BNP phone in his house, the number of which was that Campaign's official media contact number. He answered it with the words "British National Party", and he used it to explain to journalists that the Conservatives and the BNP were "identical".


  1. More Labour councillors are ex-BNP than anyone else.

    And if he thought the BNP and the Tories were "identical" he must be a little mentally ill.

    I wasn't aware the BNP were in favour of mass immigration and the 2010 Equality Act, for a start.

    Perhaps he was confusing them with the Greens-who really are almost identical to Cameron's huskie-huggers.

  2. Taking it badly, aren't you? Turns out that he wasn't the Messiah. Do your own joke.

  3. James from Durham9 October 2013 at 08:41

    There is more rejoicing in heaven etc

  4. But not in this corner of the earth. I don't believe it for one moment.
