Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Cause, Time And Manner

Entertaining hysteria from the usual suspects because of the appointment of Norman Baker as a Home Office Minister.

Labour should break definitively with the dark side of the Blair years by calling on Baker to hold the Coroner's Inquest that has never been held into the death of Dr David Kelly.

Who could possibly object to that?


  1. Can't they just play the Twilight music whenever Baker walks into the room?

    Or at least that X-Files theme tune (I rather liked that one).

    You hardly need an MI6 conspiracy to kill dissenters when you already have Alistair Campbell.

  2. A Coroner's Inquest. That is all.

  3. Baker is completely loony-tunes, but an inquest would at least quell this nonsense.

    On another note, the Left-wing bile directed at Tommy Robinson since his departure (and an apparently "soft" Paxman interview) is very revealing.

    I have a solution; we should line these people up and ask them, outright, if they would be happy if Britain became a Moslem country.

    A yes or no question.

    It's about time these vile anti-British people were made to tell us what they really think.

    Not one of Tommy Robinson's leftist critics supports Britain retaining its former status as a Christian nation.

    It is because of them that he (and the Islamists) exist.

  4. What caused them in the Thirties, then?

  5. We had radical Islamists here in the Thirties?

  6. Yes, actually.

    But more to the point, we had Tommy Robinsons.
