As Stewart Wood does:
Two weeks ago, Ed Miliband announced that an
incoming Labour government will freeze energy prices for 20 months, until a reformed energy market
can be put in place at the start of 2017. Ever since, we have been treated to
the sight of Tory message-panic as they search for a response. They're still
First they said that a temporary freeze on energy
prices was a Marxist conspiracy. Energy minister Greg Barker called it catastrophic, Grant Shapps said it threatened Britain's security.
But Michael Gove said that kind of talk was overblown and should be
"taken with a pinch of salt". David Cameron calls the price freeze a con. But wait a minute – last week he said it "struck a chord". It all adds up to the
political equivalent of Looney
Tunes' Tasmanian Devil, a frenzied whirl of contradictory arguments thrown
up in the air by fulminating ministers.
What's interesting about this spectacle is not
just the Conservative party's failure to find an argument that at least two of
its MPs can repeat on consecutive days. Much more interesting is what this
failure reveals about the Tories' view of the economic problems Britain faces,
and of the strategic challenge they face, in the run-in to the next election.
The first lesson is that there is complete
intellectual confusion in the Cameron-Osborne team about what they think about
the relationship between government and markets. The Tories cannot tell us what
they are prepared to do to sort out markets that patently do not work for
businesses or consumers.
It is not only ridiculous to say that committing
to fixing broken markets is Marxist, it is also ignores the economic tradition
Conservatives claim to uphold – those most passionate about the virtues of the
market economy have recognised that reform is needed to ensure competition
works in the public interest.
And when the Conservatives attack price
regulation in the same breath as introducing a too-little too-late effort at
keeping rail fares down, it's time to give up the search for intellectual
coherence altogether.
Second, the strategy behind the Tory attack on
Labour has backfired. Cameron wanted to portray Miliband as on the leftwing
margins of British political opinion. The problem is, it turns out that two-thirds of Britain supports Miliband's pledge. Tory high
command can insist all they like that challenging large companies who raise
prices in good as well as bad times is evidence of "extremism", but
the British public just doesn't buy it.
The only people who buy the caricature of Labour
that Tory ministers peddle is the hardcore of their own party's base. And
therein lies the strategic backfiring of Cameron and Osborne's response. In
their silly desperation to paint Labour as a bunch of commies, they find
themselves talking to a small section of their core electorate, while Labour
speaks for the broad majority of the British public. Lynton Crosby must be choking on his clients' tobacco leaves.
But most interesting of all is a third lesson
about the Tories' view of the role of the economy in the next general election.
The Conservatives' election strategy is to attack any attempt to put the
cost-of-living crisis at the centre of political debate. Cameron and Osborne
will strain every sinew in the next 18 months to insist that the fact that
Britain is, at last, emerging from the slowest recovery in 300 years means you
should vote Tory.
The big problem with this strategy is that it's
out of step with the public's perceptions of their own living standards. None
of us feel the economy in aggregate statistics. The Tories' chaotic response to
Labour's proposal on energy prices has revealed a blindspot about a fundamental
problem with our economy: that the connection between growth and family incomes
has snapped, and needs to be restored.
Cameron's problem is not just that he doesn't
understand how much the cost of living crisis is biting with Britain's
families; nor that he doesn't believe in government taking urgent action to do
something about it. It is that he is wedded to a political strategy
that relies on pointing people towards GDP graphs produced by the Treasury, and
telling voters that their life experience shouldn't affect how they vote.
I wish him luck with that one.
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