Friday, 24 August 2012

Conservative Friends of Russia

With an Honorary President who, a Jew, held the line as Foreign Secretary against those who sought to force military intervention in support of actual Nazis, who were also Islamists just as their actually Nazi fathers and grandfathers had been, by railing hysterically about "another Holocaust" on the part of those seeking to preserve a multiethnic, Anglophile outpost of the anti-Stalinist, anti-Maoist, anti-Trotskyist Left informed by her roots in Christianity generally and in the specific role of several of her constituent peoples, most especially the two largest, as gatekeepers of Christendom.


  1. This is nice. David Cameron and 80% of Tory MPs are guilty of treason for being members of the Conservative Friends of Israel. They are Likud MPs who masquerade as Tories to get elected. But this lot are alright.

    The old Yugoslavia, by the way, was "a multiethnic, Anglophile outpost of the anti-Stalinist, anti-Maoist, anti-Trotskyist Left informed by her roots in Christianity generally and in the specific role of several of her constituent peoples, most especially the two largest, as gatekeepers of Christendom" Malcolm Rifkind was right to side with against "actual Nazis" who "were also Islamists" in Bosnia.

  2. Denis MacShane is appalled.

  3. Funny how he is the only MP who regularly writes for Progress, isn't it?

  4. Just joined the group on Facebook. Many thanks for the recommendation, David!
