Thursday, 27 October 2011

Farepak Five Years On

"The Farepak Victims Committee call on the Government to: 1. Bring those responsible to account; 2. Fully compensate Farepak Victims; 3. Put in place financial regulations that ensure that this never happens again."

Sign here.


  1. And people say that you are not in touch with the working class. They are not exactly working class themselves and they sure as hell take no interest in issues like this one.

  2. You have to hand it to the SLP. For all its many faults, it has certainly made the running on this. To the everlasting shame of the Labour Party. What does it think that it is for?

    The blather about how the EU delivers workers' rights springs to mind. It shouldn't take the EU (the record of which on that is in any case decidedly "mixed"). If the Labour Party is not doing that sort of thing in and through the Parliament of the United Kingdom, then there is no point to the Labour Party.

    The same applies here.
