Monday, 24 October 2011

And Battles Long Ago

Since these rather silly matters seem to have been raised again in certain places, I most definitely did not pay anyone to publish my last book, and I myself have only ever possessed precisely one copy, which is emphatically not for sale. I can assure you that publishing it has cost me nothing, and makes me, if not a lot, then enough, all things considered.

The University’s online directory used to call me “Academic/management staff” until it (quite unilaterally) bumped me up to one of those few people who get a contact form rather than having their email addresses displayed to all and sundry. But if my pretendy-Durham critics say that I am not “Academic/management staff”, then what would a university that they have literally never seen know about it? All in all, it looks as if the Oliver Kamm Lie Machine is working about as well against me as it is against the ubiquitous, “blacklisted” Neil Clark.

And I was removed from Telegraph Blogs for Damian Thompson’s own publicly stated reason, namely that I had pointed out the treasonable existence of a large party within the Conservative Party at parliamentary level under the direction of the Israeli Hard Right. There has now been a Cabinet resignation to prove my point. Perhaps not the only resignation that is in order.


  1. There's only one thing worse than being talked about behind your back...

    Nowadays isn't there a straightforward culling system on the Torygraph blogsite? The more crazies you have reading and commenting on your stuff the less likely you are to be chucked?

    Which means Delingpole is safe as houses and the most boring, sensible people will always be the next to go.

    OTOH, if we really do have a Zionist Occupied Government (ZOG) then is Cameron part of it or not? Did he sack Fox because he is part of it? Or because he isn't? Was Fox a Zionist scapegoat? Or did he have to go because he gave the game away?

  2. A ZOG? Not since Blair went, anyway. But a Likud party within the Conservative Party? Who now denies it? Liam Fox has gone because it is true.

    Also true, I am told, is what you say about Telegraph bloggers, although it certainly didn't apply in my day.

    Closet Boy, indeed! Any closet big enough for you would have to contain Narnia.

  3. Didn't DT call you "absolutely nuts"?

  4. No, he used that term to describe my assertion that there existed a large party within the Conservative Party at parliamentary level, treasonably under the direction of the Israeli Hard Right. There has now been a Cabinet resignation to prove my point.
