Monday 12 April 2010

The Bare Minimum

Note that the minimum wage does not already rise automatically in line with wages generally. Note that it is not fixed at, say, half median earnings at the last annual assessment of such matters. Similarly, note that John Smith's signature policy that employment rights beginning on day one of employment, and applying regardless of the number of hours worked, has still never been enacted, after 13 years of Labour government. What is the Labour Party for? (Those who naively look to the EU on employment matters should ask themselves the same question about that, although, to be fair, the EU has never claimed to be for such purposes, but the very reverse, and their belief to the contrary is wholly inexplicable by reference to any factual evidence.)

As for extending paternity leave, it should be made available at any time until the child is 18 or leaves school. That would reassert paternal authority, and thus require paternal responsibility, at key points in childhood and adolescence. Rather than licensing skiving, which is what permitting a man to take time off merely because his wife has a new baby amounts to. What is he doing? Cluttering up the house. I note that the Mail on Sunday columnist Suzannne Moore is to contest Hackney North & Stoke Newington as an Independent. I disagree with her about very many things. But not, apparently, about this.

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