Sunday 25 April 2010

Berger Bar

Harry's Place is up in arms that someone has dared to criticise Luciana Berger, who has been given a parliamentary seat in Liverpool as a present for her coming out ball in return for having sex with Euan Blair, admittedly a very high price to pay. (He, meanwhile, has turned out to be as greedy, grasping and venal as his parents. Yes, as greedy, grasping and venal as that.)

Berger's ascent has been via Labour Friends of Israel, an organisation only thus named so that it can accuse of anti-Semitism anyone who criticises the activities, or indeed the presence in public life at all, of Stephen Byers, Michael Levy, Ed Balls, James Purnell and a host of others. Now including Luciana Berger.

There are extremely few conceivable reasons ever to vote Lib Dem. But with the departure of Ricky Tomlinson from the fray, doing so is now the only means of keeping Parliament free from Luciana Berger. And for that, almost any price is worth paying. Even including a vote for a Lib Dem.


  1. I thought you'd announced that Harry's Place was closing down due to a libel writ from George Galloway. What happened?

  2. The case should come to court soon enough. When it does, Harry's Place will be finished.
