Thursday, 22 April 2010


"You have to be part of a major bloc", they shriek. Really? What for? Only to be packed off to the constituency to cut ribbons for three or four days per week, and to spend even the time at Westminster answering correspondence about people's distempered cats, both in order to ensure that legislation receives no scrutiny whatever. Thanks to the existing "major blocs", none of which will take twenty per cent of the eligible vote this year, there are now almost no votes on the floor of the House of Commons, and the Tories vote with Labour in eighty-five per cent of those which there are. These are Bloc Parties in the old East German sense. But it would possibly only take the regular attendance of a few people from outside that cartel, and who had bothered to learn the procedures properly, to make a significant difference, entirely unforeseen and unforeseeable by the junta.

Tell me, which is the "major bloc" for the alliance of the traditional Right and the traditional Left against the neoconservative war agenda and its assaults on liberty at home, including against any new Cold War with either or both of Russia and China? Or for the socially and culturally conservative, strongly patriotic tendencies within the British Left’s traditional electoral base? Or for those who recognise that we cannot deliver the welfare provisions and the other public services that our people have rightly come to expect unless we know how many people there are in this country, unless we control immigration properly, and unless we insist that everyone use spoken and written English to the necessary level? Or for those who refuse to allow climate change to be used as an excuse to destroy or prevent secure employment, to drive down wages or working conditions, to arrest economic development around the world, to forbid the working classes and non-white people from having children, to inflate the fuel prices that always hit the poor hardest, or to restrict either travel opportunities or a full diet to the rich?

Tell me, which is the "major bloc" for those who wish to implement traditional social democratic policies, such as: no one’s tax-free income to fall below half national median earnings; abolition of prescription charges; restoration of free eye and dental treatment; making employment rights begin on day one of employment and apply regardless of the number of hours worked, as promised by John Smith; saving council housing, and bringing all council services back in house; renationalising the utilities and the railways; building a national network of public transport free at the point of use; and removal of all nuclear, radiological, chemical and biological weapons from British soil and waters?

Tell me, which is the "major bloc" for those who wish to implement traditional conservative and patriotic policies, such as: restoration of the supremacy of British over EU law; returning to preventative policing based on foot patrols; making each offence carry a minimum sentence of one third of its maximum sentence, or 15 years for life, in the context of restoring and defending civil liberties, so that convictions are once again harder to obtain and therefore more reliable; restoration of the grammar schools, restoration of O-levels, restoration of excellent Secondary Modern schools, defence and restoration of Special Needs Education, and defence of church schools both against New Labour and against the Liberal Democrats; a legal presumption of equal parenting, restoration of the tax allowance for fathers, and allowing paternity leave to be taken at any time in the first 18 years of the child’s life; helping farmers and small businesses through a windfall tax on the supermarkets; defending village services, saving shooting and fishing, repealing the hunting ban, and making Gypsies and Travellers obey the same planning laws as the rest of us; and preserving the historic regimental system, rebuilding the Royal Navy, and saving the Royal Air Force?

And tell me, which is the "major bloc" for those who wish to implement common sense policies, such as: nuclear power and clean coal technology; restoration of British overall control of our defence capability; docking of Ministers’ pay if either spending or outcomes are lower in the North East than in Scotland or the South East; immediate and unconditional withdrawal from Afghanistan and Iraq; no war against Iran; and total opposition to lap-dancing clubs?

There is no "major bloc" in which a pro-life, pro-family, pro-worker, anti-war, Social Catholic and Distributist defender of Catholic schools, Catholic adoption agencies, and the immemorial indigenous Christian communities of the Bible Lands is even permitted to exist within, necessarily, a much broader coalition. The same is true of an economically social democratic, morally and socially conservative British and Commonwealth patriot. Instead, all dancing must be to the tune of those whom Obama has successfully consigned to internal exile within the Democratic Party, although speed the day when they are expelled altogether: radical feminists, political homosexualists, those who obstinately refuse to speak English, and those who wish to wage never-ending wars in order to exterminate specific social classes and ethnic groups other than their own.

Speaking of which last, there has been an attempt to post a comment under the name of the piece of scum who made his name by publishing a vicious "biography" for which the material was obtained by exploiting the blindness of a subject who had no idea that he was being recorded, and who now edits a "newspaper" which treasonably demands that this country wage wars on behalf of a foreign state founded within living memory by anti-British Marxist terrorists of quite exceptional savagery, screaming abuse at anyone who dissents. I am very proud of my enemies.

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