Monday 1 March 2010

Plucky Iceland? Lucky Iceland

When the people of Iceland vote not to repay their debts to the United Kingdom and the Netherlands, then they will guarantee for ever British and Dutch vetoes of their applications for EU membership.

Lucky them.


  1. Pedro y Cabaron1 March 2010 at 17:06

    If Santander goes under and the Spanish refuse to bailout its international operations, will the UK government allow Abbey etc to collapse?

    I don't think so. And how will they punish Spain? Stop it from being an EU member?

    "I scweem, and I will scweem till I am schick"

  2. We wouldn't do you that sort of favour.

    You and the Belgians are invaluable for if, as is admittedly most unlikely, some part of the UK ever broke away and then tried to join the EU. Not while there is breath in the body of any Belgian or Spanish PM, of course.

    And since for some unknown reason Scottish and Welsh separatists are keen on the EU, that makes you very useful indeed against them.

  3. Pedrto y Cabaron1 March 2010 at 17:17

    Cool, Santander can be as irresponsible as it likes!

    Now time to invest all that lovely Abbey money in Haitian and Pacific island government bonds-----------

  4. "You and the Belgians are invaluable for if, as is admittedly most unlikely, some part of the UK ever broke away and then tried to join the EU. Not while there is breath in the body of any Belgian or Spanish PM, of course.

    And since for some unknown reason Scottish and Welsh separatists are keen on the EU, that makes you very useful indeed against them."

    Why did they not veto membership of the Baltic States, Slovakia and Slovenia then?

  5. There is absolutely no way that either of them would permit a secession from an existing member-state to begin negotiations, never mind to conclude them by being let in. No way in the world.

    Scotland, in particular since that is at least where there might until recently have been an outside chance of secession (there is none now), could always have fogotten about the EU. No chance. Absolutely none.
