Saturday 10 October 2009

True Catholic Voices Needed

The Facebook group is here:

We have to face a discomforting truth:

Catholicism is treated very badly in the media - and a considerable amount of Catholic Guest Commentators on TV and Radio programmes are ineffective, or prone towards a belligerent reactionary stance ; or rather than promote Orthodox Catholic teaching and praxis - they instead promote their ill-informed or reactionary distortions of it.

How many times have we listened to Beyond Belief or The Sunday Programme on Radio 4 ; or watched The Big Question or News programmes ; and an alleged 'catholic' representative neither defends the faith nor relates the authentic Catholic teaching or moral guidance.

We've all cringed when Clifford Longley espouses an ethical stance on 'The Moral Maze' which is so devoid of any fundamental catholic moral theological basis as to be laughable if it wasn't so shameful...

We've all listened to the Tablet-Journalists with their anti-papal and anti-doctrinal progressivist, modernist, relativist takes on contemporary issues - and despaired!

We've all cringed or become enraged when Peter Stanford or John Cornwall or Catherine Pepinster offer anachronistic counterfactuals regarding Church History or scriptural exegesis or the 'evolution of doctrine' and 'what the early Church was actually like'.

We've all held our heads in our hands when an ineffectual compromising pragmatising relativist Clerical representative of the Bishops' conference or one of their quangos is asked to make a response for the Church and the nation's Catholics - and flunks it !

But then again often orthodox Catholicism has been its own worst enemy with its representatives 'losing their rag' ; and thus the validity of their arguments vanishes and only the appearance of a pugnacious loudmouth remains...

The only way things can change is for we ordinary Catholics in the land to take a stand and promote those among our own as authentic sincere devout and orthodox Catholic voices - those to whom we have listened, learned and grown to love and respect.

Now believe it or not - The BBC has listened !

It seems they are becoming increasingly aware from their e-mails and postbags that there are a lot of Catholics who feel the media's choice of Catholic spokespeople is far from a valid representation.

So Rosie Dawson from The Sunday Programme has asked me , [Paul Priest - otherwise known as On the side of the angels] to provide a list of possible potential candidates for guest commentators on BBC religious programming.

So we're asking you - the Nation's Catholics - for suggestions - Whom do you want ?

This is an opportunity which could change the face of Catholicism's image in society.

I really urge people to pray and reflect on this - and participate in the process.

Thanks & God Bless,


Good luck, because in my experience on this one you are certainly going to need it...

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