The evils of Marie Stopes will be no news to many readers of this blog, but just in case, Red Maria has this:
You can tell a lot about a person from their correspondence; what they write and who they write it to. Marie Stopes wrote gushing letters to Adolf Hitler.
"Dear Herr Hitler, Love is the greatest thing in the world: so will you accept from me these (poems) that you may allow the young people of your nation to have them."
Marie Stopes was an ardent racist eugenicist who disowned her own son because he married a woman who wore glasses. By Stopes' extreme standards this was pretty restrained. She was an advocate of compulsory sterilisation of the "unfit" which as this entry in the invaluable Eugenics Watch makes clear, included anyone who wasn't a perfect Aryan specimen: the "C3 population", "half-castes" and revolutionaries.
It was in furtherance of Stopes' aims that her Society for Constructive Birth Control opened dozens of clinics in working class areas to reduce the number of undesirables by persuasion if force was politically impossible.
Oswald Mosley and Lord Haw Haw have been rightly consigned to the historical scrapheap for their Nazi sympathies but Stopes' face will adorn 50p stamps in a month's time. That's not just because she's a birth control pioneer but because the anti-natalist movement was and is so soaked in the dodgy politics of misanthropic population control and eugenics that it can't be too choosy about its heroes. Just pity the poor mugs who, lacking all self respect, play along with the reactionary farce.
There is a habit on the warmongering, war-profiteering pseudo-Left of accusing the rest of us of being "Red Browns", likening us to Mosley, that sort of thing. Oliver Kamm goes in for it from time to time. And so, to which I shall return, does "Break Dancing Jesus" of this place. But it is of course they, and not we, who are militarists, eugenicists, genocidal racists, and supporters of a single European state ("Europe A Nation", read Mosley's banners).
Poor BDJ's unprintable comment today indicated a man now utterly consumed by rage and bitterness. I don't know which horrified him more, the idea of paying public servants properly, or the idea of linking the pay of MPs and Ministers to that of teachers, nurses, dustmen and dinner ladies.
BDJ once had other people rob me, on his behalf, of something that I was owed. No good it brought either them or him, and when they read this blog (as they do very frequently), they see exactly what they lost by acting in this way on behalf of a man only half-educated, but even then far beyond his natural intelligence (again, like Kamm or the rest of the Euston Manifesto lot). And they despise him for it, though also (and rightly) for plenty of other reasons as well. They do not need to say it out loud. Everybody knows it. Even BDJ, who is not exactly quick on the uptake.
And his fanatical devotion elsewhere is not going to be repaid, either. The wrong chromosomes, just that little bit too lower rather than upper-middle-class (decidedly unlike Kamm or the rest of the Euston Manifesto lot), and actually from the North East (which rules him out completely where New Labour is concerned - the North East is strictly for imposed carpet-baggers only).
Ho, hum.
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Were you educated as far as your natural intelligence? Or less far? Or further?
ReplyDeleteI like to think that I am just right.
ReplyDeleteAlthough if I ever did think of something with one hundred thousand words of original research left in it, then I might revise my view.
"BDJ once had other people rob me, on his behalf, of something that I was owed."
ReplyDeleteWhat was that? When was that?
There's nothing that can be done about it now.
ReplyDeleteAnd BDJ knows it.
If you're not going to explain it at all, why mention it? You're treating your readers with contempt.
ReplyDeleteThere's no sign of him today, so job done.
ReplyDeleteAny comments on Stopes?