Friday 6 June 2008

Of Bisection And Disection

You have to hand it to Barack Obama. Not many people could stand up in front of AIPAC and say that Israel should be bisected, the only way that there can possibly be "a contiguous Palestinian State".

And they applauded him. We knew that the Israelis themselves had faced the fact that they were living in the Levant, and had therefore decided to give up on flying in all and sundry in order to maintain a non-Arab majority just because people in Golders Green and Crown Heights liked the idea of it but refused to do anything about it. Have the inhabitants of Crown Heights, at least, come to much the same conclusion? And if so, then who needs a Palestinian State, anyway?

The Grand Dragon, George Wallace de nos jours, may be about to throw in the towel. But rumour has it that those who flocked to her nasty neo-Dixiecrat candidacy might still refuse to vote for Obama. I have set out before how, by reaching out to the unions on economic issues and to the Evangelical and Catholic churches on social issues, Obama could bring on board the white working class while consolidating his own black base.

The icing on the cake would be a third party or Independent candidate to rally the remaining Clintonites, those well-known mainstream Americans who don't speak English, or who don't believe in Jesus, or who don't believe in the opposite sex. People who had only ever voted Republican in their lives would vote for a Democrat defined by the opposition of people like that.


  1. Hillary Clinton deserves a one-way ticket to a mental hospital for the criminally insane.

    Her crimes: She voted FOR Bush's war with Iraq. She's mused about "obliterating" Iran. She compared Obama unfavorably with McCain.

    She continually repeats the lie that she won the popular vote. She tried to steal the Florida and Michigan primary delegates after agreeing with all the other candidates they wouldn't count.

    She's married to a multi-millionaire corporate lobbyist who's raked in over 100 million dollars doing nobody-knows-what since leaving office.

    She and her surrogates smeared Obama as an elitist, a crypto-Republican, an incompetent affirmative action candidate, an America-hating '60s radical, a Black nationalist, and a sexist.

    She voted for a bankruptcy bill written by the credit card companies.

    She, starting out as the presumptive nominee, ran a campaign so vicious, stupid, and incompetent that she lost to a total newcomer.

    She is loathed by all but the stupidest feminists for hijacking The Cause to suit her own ambitions.

    She is loathed by the hordes of idealistic young people who've been radicalized by Bush's nightmare regime and have been flocking to Obama's campaign.

    She is loathed by the media who are forced by their jobs to pay enough attention to her that they realize she's not just another opportunistic politician, but a dangerous sociopath.

    She is loathed by African Americans due to her grotesque attempts to court racist white voters.

    For these reasons and too many more for one blog comment, Hillary Clinton should resign from her senate seat and spend the rest of her miserable life in a cave, repenting the horrors she's inflicted on humanity.

  2. I somehow doubt Obama knows what "contiguous" means. In truth, Obama's views about Israel are almost certainly identical to Bush's (and Bill Clinton's), and just as ludicrous.

  3. Oh, Bush is on record as supporting a contigous state, as are more serious figures around him.

    But only Obama would ever say it to AIPAC, since it can only mean bisecting Israel. And they applauded him.

    The Israelis, meanwhile, are way ahead of all of this.

    But then, Bush promised AIPAC in 2000 that his first Presidential act would be to move the embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Eight years later, it is still in Tel Aviv.

    And it always will be. The Israelis are way ahead of all of this.

  4. Like I said! Fantasy piled on nonsense! The Israelis will carry on doing what they think they have to do, and America will carry on supporting them. (James Baker isn't going to become President any time soon.)

    I must say David, you're the only person I've come across who's interpreted Obama's AIPAC speech as a pop at Israel. In any event, American Jews are overwhelmingly anti-war and overwhelmingly liberal on social policies. I can't quite imagine them deserting Obama.

    Now, as for those paeleocons in Ohio, Florida and Michigan...
