Wednesday 18 June 2008


On and on goes the clearly Cameron-endorsed hounding of the token moral and social conservative whom he felt obliged to make Party Chairman as a sort of fig-leaf. He wants rid of her now, and his pals at the BBC are giving him every assistance.

Specifically, Cameron has called on the services of Michael Crick. Crick made his name by creating the Myth of the Militant Tendency, which in fact hardly existed beyond Merseyside, only had councillors even there because the words "The Labour Party Candidate" appeared next to their names on the ballot papers, and was far smaller than the Workers' Revolutionary Party, or the International Socialists (now the SWP), or the International Marxist Group (whatever happened to the International Marxist Group?).

Thanks to Crick, the "purging" of Militant was made to look like the purging of the sectarian Left generally, which in fact went on to overthrow the Labour Party and create New Labour, all without any serious challenge, not least from the openly sectarian Left, an absence which spoke, and speaks, volumes.

And now, Crick is going to make the removal of Caroline Spelman look like the removal of financial impropriety, when in fact it will be, and is intended to be, the removal of moral and social conservatism. The utterly decadent proper crooks will survive, and thrive.


  1. Pro-war, pro-Trident and anti-House of Lords? Why is Lindsay rooting for this woman again?

    More interesting is the attack on Sir Nicholas and Lady Winterton, two of the Party's most prominent pro-lifers. Anne, it just so happens, has recently been asking rather embarrassing questions about what the Army's getting up to in Iraq and Afghanistan. But the Press has a way of ignoring real conspiracies in favour of telegenic types like Ms Spelman.

  2. She has close ties to CARE, she's Party Chairman, and there's an organised campaign against her involving the Myth of Miltant man, whose work was seminal in the emergence of New Labour.

    The Wintertons, who are probably going to retire anyway (unless they plan on re-living their anti-Thatcher and anti-Major glory days under Cameron), are just not that important.
