Thursday, 20 September 2007

An Autumn Election


Unless you are lucky enough to live in Liverpool West Derby or other constituencies details of which would be very welcome for publication here and elsewhere, this is a time to exercise your democratic right not to vote, and thus with any luck bring about the collapse of, in particular, the Tories.

That would lead rapidly to the collapse of Labour, since what would then be the point of it, deprived of the Tory bogeyman? And the Lib Dems are wholly parasitic on the other two.

None of them deserves your vote. So don't give it to any of them, and make them go away.


  1. I find your site very well written. Come and look at mine, and have a laugh.

  2. I prefer to argue that no one should vote for one of the big 3 parties, they simply don't deserve our patronage.

    Mind you, I'm biased - I intend standing for the English Democrats.
