Sunday, 1 July 2007

Rather Good, Actually

I enjoyed the Concert for Diana far more than I thought I would, and it is good to see some recognition of Prince William's work with Centrepoint and Prince Harry's in Lesotho. Like their father's Trust and numerous other projects, and like their grandfather's Award Scheme, their good works are sometimes quite cruelly ignored in the effort to depict them as womanising winos.

Anyway, a few highlights.

Tom Jones's rendition of I Bet That You Look Good On The Dancefloor was exactly as the great Jerry St Clair would have done it. Jerry should bring out his album with the playlist including Lithium, Gangster's Paradise and Rock Me, Amadeus; he should add a bonus track, namely his classic rendition of Brim Full of Asher. If he doesn't, then Sir Tom should do it for him. After all, who would be able to tell the difference?

Brian Ferry's Let's Stick Together was as great as ever. But was it really quite appropriate, considering in whose memory the concert was being staged?

Fergie looked stunning for her age, and her performance more than made up for the sight of her two daughters singing along with such enthusiasm to the decidedly unladylike lyrics of Lily Allen. All that, and managing Manchester United as well. How does she do it?

And Ricky Gervais's routine about serving on the battlefield with Prince Harry was hilarious.

All in all (and I could go on), a good night.

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