Saturday, 7 July 2007

Michael Ancram

Michael Ancram shows mounting signs of being The Henry Jackson Society’s weak link, and good for him.

He is a serious Catholic, doubtless steeped in pro-life, pro-family, pro-worker and (in the current circumstances) anti-war teaching. And he is a proper toff, unlike many a grand neocon (such as the Finger Lickin’ Colonel Andrew Roberts, heir to a Kentucky Fried Chicken Franchise), with the aristocratic social conscience that is half of Britain’s double blessing, the other half being organised labour: nowhere else on earth has them both to quite the same extent.

So he opposed the “renewal” of Trident. And last night, he called for dialogue with Hamas, not because he likes them (nor do I, just as I don’t like Fatah, or such Zionists in more than name alone who still remain in Israel; but it’s not up to me), but because there is no other hope of peace.

Keep your eye on Michael Ancram.

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