Monday 28 December 2020

Finding The Level

The levelling up that Boris Johnson proposes is incompatible with the level playing field to which he has signed up.

Do not expect the fishing issue to be revisited in five and a half years' time, but at least it could be. The cause of the fisheries is just, but it is receiving such attention because the media do not know where to begin to look for the vastly more numerous people who have been sold down the river by the decision to remain subject to the State Aid rules, and that not for five and half years, but forever.

So much for the people and places that swung the referendum for Leave. That result has effectively been nullified, and with it the results of both subsequent General Elections in the areas that decided them. 

British big capital, which is the only interest of which any British Government has any concept, has agreed with Franco-German big capital, which is the only interest of which the French and German Governments or the EU institutions have any concept, that they will remain free to move around each other's territories at will, regardless of any social consideration, including the need for a balanced economy.

Any Labour Party that voted for this, or even abstained on it, would be worse than useless. And the worse than useless Labour Party is indeed going to vote for this wretched deal. But I am the Independent parliamentary candidate for North West Durham. What are you doing?

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