Friday 7 August 2020

Deus Ex Machina?

Once the Sunday Obligation had resumed, then by all means go to Mass in the parishes of the Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle. But leave straight afterwards. And do not under any circumstances give it any money, of which in any case I can assure you that it has more than it knows what to do with.

As will make perfect sense to people who know the Catholic heartlands of the North and the Midlands, the Diocese is a wholly owned subsidiary of the utterly corrupt, vicious and racist right-wing Labour machine in the North East, and it functions as a means of lending moral and spiritual force to that machine's evildoing.

The Diocese is now an integral of that machine's active campaign to make me commit suicide. That campaign will not succeed. But if you gave the Diocese any of the money that in any case it did not need, then you would be giving money to that. Buy this book instead.

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