Monday 9 September 2019

It's What's Happening

The Lanchester Review has also been suspended from Twitter. Indeed, my suspension turns out to be part of quite the purge that Twitter is having in anticipation of a General Election. An awful lot of people have been in touch.

Now, who a private company will or will not have on its platform is literally its own business. And I have been fighting against the Far Right for a very long time. But when it was largely thrown off Twitter a while back, then I knew that we would be next.

And here we are. Tellingly, common or garden Corbynistas are still all right, but it is open season on those of us who have expressed our disappointment at Jeremy Corbyn's compromises and worse over Brexit, over Salisbury and Douma, over the IHRA Definition, over the expulsions of black and Jewish activists, over Chris Williamson, over Julian Assange, and so on.

Especially when we have also held a certain line on gender self-identification, on drugs, on prostitution, on #MeToo, on aspects of immigration policy, and on other issues that have found us, for what we contend are impeccably left-wing reasons, on the same side as social conservatives. Not least among those is the anti-industrial, Malthusian, and at least implicitly anti-male approach to climate change, and with that the deification of the profoundly suspicious Greta Thunberg.

The big names are the big names and, at least for now, nothing can really be done about them: Paul Embery, Eddie Dempsey, Neil Clark, George Galloway, OffGuardian, The Word, and so on. But we small fry are being fried. Another hung Parliament is coming, however, and we need our people to hold the balance of power in it. A new party is now in the process of registration.

After nearly 30 years of suggestion, speculation, and even a sort of preparation, I will stand for Parliament here at North West Durham. The crowdfunding page is here, and buy the book here. Please email Very many thanks.

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