Friday 10 May 2019

A Modern Revolutionary Interpretation?

As John Bolton prepares to wage war on Iran in order to install the utterly insane PMOI/MEK as its new regime, consider how the world turns, since that outfit was headquartered for many years in Saddam Hussein's Iraq, where it participated in atrocities committed by the Revolutionary Guard.

During the Iraq War, Bolton's, Bush's and Blair's Boys bombed the PMOI/MEK into surrender, as part of a deal with Iran to hand over certain al-Qaeda suspects who were of course in any case opponents of the Iranian regime. Oh, how the world does turn.

Opponents of the Iraq War were screamed down as Islamists and revolutionary Marxists due to the presence of a few of each in our enormous ranks. But now the plan is to hand over Iran to the people who really do manage the remarkable feat of being both, yet who were nevertheless closely allied to Saddam Hussein.

The Americans have relocated the PMOI/MEK to Albania, which is now a member of NATO. It also maintains a considerable presence in the France of Emmanuel Macron. It is allied both to Israel and to Saudi Arabia, with that latter alliance showing us that its Shia principles are truly worth as much as its Leftist ones.

So would we be in this war, cheered on by The Times and Sky News, by The Guardian and the BBC, by Change UK and the great majority of the Parliamentary Labour Party? Quite literally, hell, yes.

Another hung Parliament is coming, however, and we need our people to hold the balance of power in it. It has become a local commonplace that I am on 30-30-30 with Labour and the Conservatives here at North West Durham, so that any one of us could be the First Past the Post. I will stand for this seat, if I can raise the £10,000 necessary to mount a serious campaign. Please email Very many thanks.

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