Thursday 13 December 2018

Life, Expectancy

Hungary, the land of the "slave labour" law, is in the EU. As is Britain, where life expectancy has now fallen for the first time since the Second World War.

The EU's familiar emblem is prominent on the uniforms of the armed thugs, so reminiscent of the "policing" of the Miners' Strike, who have been sent in against the gilets jaunes.

That is the EU. The EU that it is now highly likely that we are never going to leave.

The next most likely option is that we shall remain bound by its laws forever while having no say over their content, and while paying for the privilege.

Such are the fruits of having allowed the media to present as the voice of opposition to the EU only the people whose personal weirdness has obscured even their full support for such things as the Hungarian "slave labour" law, and for the policies that have caused life expectancy in Britain to fall for the first time since the Second World War.

Those people cheered on neoliberalism's armed thugs against the miners, they are cheering on neoliberalism's armed thugs against the gilets jaunes, and they would order in neoliberalism's armed thugs against the rest of us.

Yet we are largely to be found in the areas that voted Leave. But we did so as a direct rejection of 40 years of their kind of politics and economics. Had we not done so, then Remain would have won. But we are still The Enemy Within. To them, we always will be.

Another hung Parliament is coming, however, and we need our people to hold the balance of power in it. I will stand for this parliamentary seat of North West Durham, if I can raise the £10,000 necessary to mount a serious campaign.

By common consent, Labour, the Conservatives and I are each on 30 per cent support, so that any one of us could be the First Past the Post. Please email Very many thanks.

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