Saturday 16 June 2012

In The Name of The Father

Do not expect any posts, comment moderation, replies to emails, or what have you until Thursday evening at the earliest. I am off to what promises to be a wonderful conference on The Idea of Christendom at the International Theological Institute, a Papal institution in Trumau, near Vienna. Invited after they had read my books, apparently. And hey, it is not as if I am paying for it. Too late for me to give a paper, but there promise to be plenty more opportunities after this one.

Herewith, then, an early post for Fathers’ Day.

Our society is crying out for a legal presumption of equal parenting. For the restoration of the tax allowance for fathers for so long as Child Benefit was being paid to mothers. For the restoration of the requirement that providers of fertility treatment take account of the child’s need for a father. For repeal of the ludicrous provision for two women to be listed as a child’s parents on a birth certificate, although even that is excelled by the provision for two men to be so listed. And for paternity leave to be made available at any time until the child was 18 or left school.

That last, in particular, would reassert paternal authority, and thus require paternal responsibility, at key points in childhood and adolescence. That authority and responsibility require an economic basis such as only the State can ever guarantee, and such as only the State can very often deliver. And that basis is high-wage, high-skilled, high-status employment. All aspects of public policy must take account of this urgent social and cultural need. Not least, that includes energy policy: the energy sources to be preferred by the State are those providing the high-wage, high-skilled, high-status jobs that secure the economic basis of paternal authority in the family and in the wider community. So, nuclear power. And coal, not dole.

And it includes foreign policy, in no small part because those sent to war tend to come from working-class backgrounds, where starting to have children often still happens earlier than has lately become the norm. Think of those very young men whom we see going off or coming home, hugging and kissing their tiny children. Yet our society urgently needs to re-emphasise the importance of fatherhood. That authority cannot be affirmed while fathers are torn away from their children and harvested in wars.

You can believe in fatherhood, or you can support wars under certainly most and possibly all circumstances, the latter especially in practice today even if not necessarily in the past or in principle. You cannot do both. Which is the conservative position? Which makes present in the world the Fatherhood of God proclaimed by Jesus Christ, the fundamental point of reference for all three of our political traditions?

1 comment:

  1. Will Father's Day and Mother's Day be abolished if the law is passed granting 'Gay Marriage'?

    After all, we are now seeing the abolition of the word 'spouse', and soon 'husband' and 'wife' will be excised in favour of 'partner'. How soon will we be seeing cards in shops for Partner's Day'?

    If paternity leave is to be made available at any time until the child was 18 or left school, would this mean that two men classed as 'parents' would both be able to take 'paternity' leave for the same child? One for the courts, perhaps?
    If you restore
