Sunday 16 June 2024

What Hope?

Trooping the Colour? The King's Official Birthday? But as the arguments for First Past the Post and the arguments for Proportional Representation are both rubbish in their own terms, meaning that the case for change has not been made, so the arguments for retaining the monarchy and the arguments for replacing it are both rubbish in their own terms, meaning that the case for change has not been made. 

Just as under the supposed Holy Gail that is the Single Transferable Vote, every Taoiseach has been the Leader either of Fianna Fáil or of Fine Gael, so neither Ireland, nor France, nor Germany, nor Italy, nor the United States, nor anywhere else, is the classless and incorruptible republic that Britain would supposedly become. But no one looks at the Kingdom of First Past the Post and sees stability. The arguments on both sides are rubbish, so the case for change has not been made.

Three times that I have heard, Richard Tice has said on television that Nigel Farage ought to be the President of Britain, a view that Farage has not disavowed. Nor, however, has Farage ever expressed it, making George Galloway the only notable politician to say out loud what we all know that any politician means when calling for an elected Head of State. George is apparently so trivial as to be excluded from televised debates, less than four months after he was apparently so dangerous that his election to Parliament caused the Prime Minister to make an emergency statement from the Downing Street lectern.

Seeking re-election for the key Labour target seat of Rochdale, George is being opposed by a leafleting campaign in the name of registered charity number 1013880, Hope Not Hate, at least two of the trustees of which are Labour parliamentary candidates, one of them a member of the party's National Executive Committee. The leaflet is libellous, so I am not putting it up. But it looks like an old school Labour one.

Hope Not Hate objects equally to all of criticism of the war in Gaza, criticism of the war in Ukraine, support for Brexit, opposition to gender self-identification, opposition to unrestricted immigration, criticism of any aspect of the official approach to climate change, and criticism of any aspect of the official approach to Covid-19. That list is not exhaustive, and it would not be difficult to predict the additions to it. That is the package, to be taken as a whole or not at all, and prepare for the consequences if you chose not to take it.

Gentlemen, are you tired of being only moderately successful actors or comedians? Then declare yourselves transwomen, and feel your careers hurtle into the stratosphere. Ladies, do you fancy a bit more prominence than you had attained through academia or the worthier sorts of journalism? Then make names for yourselves as gender-critical feminists, and watch the new platforms build themselves.

But it is people whose intersection of sex, class and generation matches the gender critics' perfectly, and who are usually the same colour as well, who expel pro-ceasefire students, who send in thugs to give them a beating, who connive to revoke their visas, and so on. All while driving out or keeping down the gender critics, and while marching with those who threatened them with extreme violence. Yet the gender critics cheer on those expulsions and all the rest on #MeToo grounds, even though the mass rapes on 7 October have gone the way of the 40 beheaded babies, and of the baby in the oven.

Of course, we have been here before. 100,000 military age males had not been murdered in Kosovo. The attacks of 11th September 2001 had not come from Afghanistan; the suggestion that they had done so is the only 9/11 conspiracy theory that has ever done any active harm. There were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Therefore, those weapons were not capable of deployment within 45 minutes. Saddam Hussein had not been feeding people into a giant paper shredder. He had not been attempting to obtain uranium from Niger.

A genocide had not been imminent in Benghazi. Gaddafi had not been feeding Viagra to his soldiers in order to encourage mass rape. He had not intended to flee to Venezuela. It was not an undisputed fact that Assad had gassed Ghouta. Sergei and Yulia Skripal were not dead, as announced on the front page of The Times on 12th March 2018. And 40 people in Salisbury had not required treatment for nerve agent poisoning, as claimed by The Times on 14th March 2018.

The people who talked of mass rapes were the people who had peddled every single one of those lies while insisting at home that all rape allegations were true by definition and that any conviction rate below 100 per cent of complaints was therefore self-evidently incorrect. Instead, believe those of us who never believed any of them and who, not unconnectedly, have never taken that view.

My own record is particularly strong. I disliked the still unarrested Russell Brand when that got me abused hysterically by those of my contemporaries who thought that Blairite politics made them the cool kids, and who have never grown up to this day, even if they have changed their tune on him. While I am sure that I could stand no more than a few seconds in the company of Andrew Tate, I cannot imagine that the United States would allow a white liberal American citizen to be treated as he has been, and I have said from the very start that would not be surprised if little or nothing ended up coming of this.

See also Cardinal Pell, Julian Assange, Alex Salmond, Ched Evans, and the victims of Freya Heath, whose conviction was merely set aside on a procedural technicality. You need a visa for Spain these days, and Mason Greenwood secured one to enable him to be loaned to Getafe, so that recording was provenly false. For the second time, in fact, since if it had been genuine, then the Crown Prosecution Service would have proceeded with what would therefore have been an open-and-shut case against him. I delight in his progress as Manchester United's enormous African fanbase loans its affections until justice be done. It looks as if it very soon will be.

This has nothing to do with liking anyone. The beatification will presumably be the occasion of a Papal Visit to Australia, but if possible I shall be in Rome for Cardinal Pell's canonisation. To keep Assange's work going, then I would die in his stead. While I am opposed to the marrow of my bones to the political cause to which Salmond has devoted his life, I expect that he and I would get on. But I doubt that Evans or Greenwood and I would find much to talk about. I know that Heath's victims and I would have more than enough for a very heated discussion indeed. I have already said what I thought of Tate and of who Brand used to be, as he himself broadly says these days.

Likewise, and like Jeremy Corbyn, I dislike Hamas with the intensity of one who knows a lot more about it than, say, David "raping babies" Lammy. Lammy is particularly deplorable in his apparent ignorance of or disregard for the demonisation of non-white men as sexual predators, as in the cases of Greenwood and possibly Tate, which leads to violence that is not restricted to, but which undoubtedly includes, sexual humiliation such as the United Nations Human Rights Council, in a report that it is also highly critical of Hamas, has found to be inflicted on Palestinian men and boys by the Israeli Defence Forces.

The #IBelieveHer case for the genocide of Gaza is a case that several of those making it have made for every previous neoconservative war, and most of them for at least one. Those of a certain age have dusted down the file of lurid allegations that they deployed against working-class white men during the Satanic panic of the Thatcher years, and which have been levelled, practically word for word, against every designated enemy since. At best, they raise no objection to the same treatment of racialised communities in Britain, who are today's Enemy Within, which is why that status will very soon be enjoyed again by the working class in general and by working-class men in particular, insofar as that has ever ceased to be the case.

But to point out any of this would be Hateful Not Hopeful, as so many other things would be and are. With flagrant illegality, the kitchen sink is being thrown at the one Hateful Not Hopeful septuagenarian who was seeking to retain his one seat out the 650 in the House of Commons. Imagine that someone of that mind were to attempt to become the Head of State.

The Reclaim Party has been republican from the start because the monarchy had failed to do any of the things that its proponents said that it did apart from arguably bringing in tourists, because of the opinions of the then Heir to the Throne, and because Laurence Fox wanted to be President. Reform UK shows increasingly republican tendencies on the first of those grounds, because that Heir is now the King, and because Farage's fans want him to be their Donald Trump.

Only the absence of a vote has kept the King from becoming one of those Shire Tories who had gone Green. His late mother was not in fact politically neutral, and nor is he. But we would never be allowed anything better. If we played our cards right, then we might be in with a chance of taking at least some control of the Royal Prerogative.

Previous Governments have handed over jaw-dropping amounts of power to the Deep State, having of course been installed for the purpose. These people clearly never wanted to run the country. Again, that was why they were put in by the people who did. For example, while each generation presumably produces an obvious Astronomer Royal, why hand over the power to appoint Regius Professors, or certain Oxbridge Heads of House, or the Poet Laureate? Never mind the judiciary? Or 26 members of Parliament? And how entitled is the Liberal Establishment in the Church of England, to presume the right to appoint those 26 legislators over the rest of us?

But those powers have never been legislated away. Almost nothing in Britain ever is quite abolished or repealed. It falls into prolonged desuetude, but it is still there. Corbyn would have made full use of the Royal Prerogative; there are no republicans in possession of the powers of a Medieval monarch, and that would have been even without mentioning the restoration of democratic political control over monetary policy. The surrender of that had not been in the Labour manifesto in 1997, was the right-wing media and thinktanks had long advocated it; Gordon Brown was right that in those days he could never have got it past the Labour Party, but Simon Heffer praised it to the skies on that week's Any Questions?. Disgracing Eton and Oxford, Boris Johnson also showed tendencies in the direction of actually governing the country as Prime Minister. So the Deep State had to get rid of the pair of them. But if we were on our guard against such Hate, then there may yet be a glimmer of Hope.

Saturday 15 June 2024

The Empire Always Strikes Back

As Alan Bates is knighted, remember that Paula Vennells was not given the CBE despite her role in what we now know, and what this site has said from the start, was a scandal of which the entire Establishment was aware at the time. She was given it for that role.

Remember that especially as you consider yesterday's seventh anniversary of the fire at Grenfell Tower, and today's rally to mark this coming Tuesday's fortieth anniversary of the Battle of Orgreave. Whatever may be the answer, it is certainly not Keir Starmer.

The Safeguarding Challenge: Day 339

I am morally and factually innocent of every criminal offence with which I have ever been charged, and the allegation at the base of any outstanding charge has been made in order to incite my suicide.

That purely factual statement is acknowledged as such, unless and until it had been expressly repudiated to, by each and all of the members of the Board of the Catholic Safeguarding Standards Agency, currently Nazir Afzal, Amanda Ellingworth, Wesley Cuell, Bishop Paul Mason, Sarah Kilmartin, Jenny Holmes, Sir David Behan, and Sr Una Coogan IBVM.

That purely factual statement is acknowledged as such, unless and until it had been expressly repudiated to, by each and all of the members of the Hexham and Newcastle Diocesan Safeguarding Committee, currently Gail McGregor, Paul Weatherstone, Fr Christopher Hancock MHM, Canon William Agley, Catherine Dyer, Canon Martin Stempczyk, Canon Peter Leighton VG, Maureen Dale, and Tony Lawless.

And that purely factual statement is acknowledged as such, unless and until it had been expressly repudiated to, by each and all of the members of the Hexham and Newcastle Diocesan Safeguarding Team, currently Meriel Anderson, Ian Colling, Andrew Grant, Kirsty McIntyre, Lisa Short, Yvonne Brown, and Petra Scarr.

I am morally and factually innocent of every criminal offence with which I have ever been charged, and the allegation at the base of any outstanding charge has been made in order to incite my suicide. I should emphasise that there is absolutely no risk that I might ever give anyone the satisfaction of my suicide.

This post will appear daily until further notice.

The CPS Challenge: Day 339

I am morally and factually innocent of every criminal offence with which I have ever been charged, and any outstanding charge is being pursued by the Crown Prosecution Service as part of its organised persecution of the opponents and critics of Keir Starmer, which is its principal national priority.

I am morally and factually innocent of every criminal offence with which I have ever been charged, and any outstanding charge is being pursued by the Crown Prosecution Service in order to prevent me from seeking the position of General Secretary of Unite the Union on a programme including disaffiliation from the Labour Party, a proposal that would be hugely popular two years into a Starmer Government.

I am morally and factually innocent of every criminal offence with which I have ever been charged, and any outstanding charge is being pursued by the Crown Prosecution Service in order to prevent me from establishing a thinktank to strengthen families and communities by securing economic equality and international peace through the democratic political control of the means to those ends, including national and parliamentary sovereignty.

I am morally and factually innocent of every criminal offence with which I have ever been charged, and any outstanding charge is being pursued by the Crown Prosecution Service in order to prevent me from establishing a weekly magazine of news and comment, a monthly cultural review, a quarterly academic journal, and perhaps eventually also a fortnightly satirical magazine.

I am morally and factually innocent of every criminal offence with which I have ever been charged, and any outstanding charge is being pursued by the Crown Prosecution Service in order to prevent me from taking journalistic, political or other paid work for fear of losing my entitlement to Legal Aid.

I am morally and factually innocent of every criminal offence with which I have ever been charged, and any outstanding charge is being pursued by the Crown Prosecution Service out of the same racism that has caused it to refuse to prosecute the Police Officers in the case of Stephen Lawrence.

And I am morally and factually innocent of every criminal offence with which I have ever been charged, and any outstanding charge is being pursued by the Crown Prosecution Service in order to incite my politically motivated murder, a murder that the CPS has already decided would never lead to any prosecution.

Each of those eight statements stands as a matter of record unless and until it had been expressly denied to by each and all of the members of the CPS Board, currently Monica Burch, Stephen Parkinson, Simon Jeffreys, Dr Subo Shanmuganathan, and Kathryn Stone.

Each of those eight statements stands as a matter of record unless and until it had been expressly denied to by each and all of the CPS senior leadership, currently Tristan Bradshaw, Dawn Brodrick, Mike Browne, Steve Buckingham, Matthew Cain, Gregor McGill, Grace Ononiwu, and Baljhit Ubey.

Each of those eight statements stands as a matter of record unless and until it had been expressly denied to by each and all of the members of the CPS Audit and Risk Assurance Committee, currently Simon Jeffreys, Stephen Parkinson, Michael Dunn, Deborah Harris, Dr Subo Shanmuganathan.

Each of those eight statements stands as a matter of record unless and until it had been expressly denied to by each and all of the members of the CPS Nominations, Leadership and Remuneration Committee, currently Kathryn Stone, Stephen Parkinson, and Monica Burch.

And each of those eight statements stands as a matter of record unless and until it had been expressly denied to by each and all of the 279 members of staff of the CPS North East Area, by definition including, but not restricted to, Chief Crown Prosecutor Gail Gilchrist, and the Area Business Manager, Ian Brown.

This post will appear daily until further notice.

The Clergy Challenge: Day 1043

I invite each and every bishop, priest and deacon of the Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle to contact if he thought that I was factually or morally guilty of any criminal charge that had ever been brought against me.

Not legally guilty; Bill Cosby is legally innocent. Factually and morally guilty. No name would be published except at the request of its bearer, but if anyone ever did get in touch, then the readers of this site would be the first to know. The current total is zero.

This post will appear daily until further notice.

The Representatives Challenge: Day 1043

As already stated on the day after my release: "The instant that Labour lost control of Durham County Council, then I was granted an unsolicited tag for more than 10 weeks of future good behaviour. I invite each and every Member of Parliament for the area covered by Durham County Council, each and every member of Durham County Council, and each and every member of Lanchester Parish Council, to contact if they thought that I was factually or morally guilty of any criminal charge that had ever been brought against me. Not legally guilty; Bill Cosby is legally innocent. Factually and morally guilty. No name would be published except at the request of its bearer, but if anyone ever did get in touch, then the readers of this site would be the first to know." The current total is zero.

And since Lanchester has been moved into North Durham by the boundary changes, I invite each and every candidate for that parliamentary seat to contact if they thought that I was factually or morally guilty of any criminal charge that had ever been brought against me. Not legally guilty; Bill Cosby is legally innocent. Factually and morally guilty. In this case, names most certainly will be published. The current total is zero.

This post will appear daily until further notice.

Friday 14 June 2024

Honour and Dishonour

Not being on the Honours List deliciously puts me in the same category as certain other people. They know who they are. A knighthood for Alan Bates is splendid in every way, not least because Ed Davey has cast himself as the nation's friendly neighbour or cuddly uncle. 

Both parties to the Coalition were and are to blame for everything that it did, from the Bedroom Tax, to the war in Libya, to the Post Office scandal, for which Davey was the Minister responsible, to the privatisation of the Royal Mail, which was done by Vince Cable.

The Meaning Of Life Is Life Itself

A very large medicine bottle, a firm talking to about not getting any younger, an instruction to dial 999 "if you are on the floor in agony", and here I am. Those few hundred votes every few years were one of the pleasures of my life, and simply contesting elections made me usefully well-connected among the kind of people who won them. But as the doctor asked me, "What if you had won this time?" That possibility can never be ruled out entirely.

Labour is now polling well below its result in 2017. It only ever wins uncontested General Elections. Tony Blair managed that three times. Middle England ended up disliking his wars, and one in particular, but the Conservative Party had not opposed those wars, and in any case Blair never gave those voters any economic reason to turn against him. On cultural issues, he and Gordon Brown made a habit of following them several years later, eventually giving them, not even what they had wanted, but only heavily diluted forms of that, such as civil partnerships, or the mere reclassification of cannabis.

Cry all you like about hereditary peers, or even about foxhunting. But what of them? On everything that mattered to almost anyone, Blair did exactly what the Conservatives would have done if they had won in 1997. Having spent much of his adult life abroad, a bewildered Peter Hitchens tried to marshal a minority of his parents' generation then, as he is addressing that minority's ghosts now. Again, though, so what? 

Write up even ordinarily Conservative-voting Britain's prejudices in highfalutin terms, and Pabloism insofar as Keir Starmer understood it would be what you would get now, just as Eurocommunism insofar as Blair understood it have been what you would have got then, and was. "Look what they would do!", howled Hitchens then, and howls Hitchens now. "That's just common sense," came the reply from the small-town and suburban bourgeoisie then, and comes that reply now. "Look where their ideas came from!", he attempted and attempts. "Good for that Gramsci, then," they retorted then, it at all. "Good for that Raptis, then," they retort now, if at all.

Gramsci and Raptis are much more interesting than Old New Labour and New New Labour. They are fundamentally and ultimately wrong, but you should still read them. Raptis went on to co-found Pasok, and in 1996 a member of NATO and the EU gave him a state funeral. How frightened is Worcester Woman supposed to be of such a person's thinking even in the raw, never mind in a form so pasteurised as to be palatable to Wes Streeting? With which aspect of it might she disagree? She would be far more alarmed at the thinking of Hitchens.

And so to the Labour manifesto. Never mind, "After 14 years, is that it?" They would not even do half of that. Yet their victory would still be Britain's contribution to Europe's lurch to the Far Right. Centrism and right-wing populism are con tricks to sell exactly the same economic and foreign policies to different audiences by pretending to wage a culture war. While pre-existing conservative phenomena have been known to ally with Fascism, usually to their own ruin, it is the liberal bourgeoisie that keeps Fascism in reserve for when it might ever face any serious demand to share its economic or social power with anyone who did not have it before the rise of the bourgeois liberal order, or to share its cultural or political power with anyone at all.

They are already as touchy as we remember them last time. I have been banned from The Guardian for having posted the following: "Labour is a party of extremely right-wing people who lack the social connections to make it in the Conservative Party, and whose two defining experiences were being brought up to spit on everyone below them, which was everyone else where they grew up, and discovering in their first 36 hours at university that they were nowhere near the top of the class system, a discovery that embittered them for life."

The Safeguarding Challenge: Day 338

I am morally and factually innocent of every criminal offence with which I have ever been charged, and the allegation at the base of any outstanding charge has been made in order to incite my suicide.

That purely factual statement is acknowledged as such, unless and until it had been expressly repudiated to, by each and all of the members of the Board of the Catholic Safeguarding Standards Agency, currently Nazir Afzal, Amanda Ellingworth, Wesley Cuell, Bishop Paul Mason, Sarah Kilmartin, Jenny Holmes, Sir David Behan, and Sr Una Coogan IBVM.

That purely factual statement is acknowledged as such, unless and until it had been expressly repudiated to, by each and all of the members of the Hexham and Newcastle Diocesan Safeguarding Committee, currently Gail McGregor, Paul Weatherstone, Fr Christopher Hancock MHM, Canon William Agley, Catherine Dyer, Canon Martin Stempczyk, Canon Peter Leighton VG, Maureen Dale, and Tony Lawless.

And that purely factual statement is acknowledged as such, unless and until it had been expressly repudiated to, by each and all of the members of the Hexham and Newcastle Diocesan Safeguarding Team, currently Meriel Anderson, Ian Colling, Andrew Grant, Kirsty McIntyre, Lisa Short, Yvonne Brown, and Petra Scarr.

I am morally and factually innocent of every criminal offence with which I have ever been charged, and the allegation at the base of any outstanding charge has been made in order to incite my suicide. I should emphasise that there is absolutely no risk that I might ever give anyone the satisfaction of my suicide.

This post will appear daily until further notice.

The CPS Challenge: Day 338

I am morally and factually innocent of every criminal offence with which I have ever been charged, and any outstanding charge is being pursued by the Crown Prosecution Service as part of its organised persecution of the opponents and critics of Keir Starmer, which is its principal national priority.

I am morally and factually innocent of every criminal offence with which I have ever been charged, and any outstanding charge is being pursued by the Crown Prosecution Service in order to prevent me from seeking the position of General Secretary of Unite the Union on a programme including disaffiliation from the Labour Party, a proposal that would be hugely popular two years into a Starmer Government.

I am morally and factually innocent of every criminal offence with which I have ever been charged, and any outstanding charge is being pursued by the Crown Prosecution Service in order to prevent me from establishing a thinktank to strengthen families and communities by securing economic equality and international peace through the democratic political control of the means to those ends, including national and parliamentary sovereignty.

I am morally and factually innocent of every criminal offence with which I have ever been charged, and any outstanding charge is being pursued by the Crown Prosecution Service in order to prevent me from establishing a weekly magazine of news and comment, a monthly cultural review, a quarterly academic journal, and perhaps eventually also a fortnightly satirical magazine.

I am morally and factually innocent of every criminal offence with which I have ever been charged, and any outstanding charge is being pursued by the Crown Prosecution Service in order to prevent me from taking journalistic, political or other paid work for fear of losing my entitlement to Legal Aid.

I am morally and factually innocent of every criminal offence with which I have ever been charged, and any outstanding charge is being pursued by the Crown Prosecution Service out of the same racism that has caused it to refuse to prosecute the Police Officers in the case of Stephen Lawrence.

And I am morally and factually innocent of every criminal offence with which I have ever been charged, and any outstanding charge is being pursued by the Crown Prosecution Service in order to incite my politically motivated murder, a murder that the CPS has already decided would never lead to any prosecution.

Each of those eight statements stands as a matter of record unless and until it had been expressly denied to by each and all of the members of the CPS Board, currently Monica Burch, Stephen Parkinson, Simon Jeffreys, Dr Subo Shanmuganathan, and Kathryn Stone.

Each of those eight statements stands as a matter of record unless and until it had been expressly denied to by each and all of the CPS senior leadership, currently Tristan Bradshaw, Dawn Brodrick, Mike Browne, Steve Buckingham, Matthew Cain, Gregor McGill, Grace Ononiwu, and Baljhit Ubey.

Each of those eight statements stands as a matter of record unless and until it had been expressly denied to by each and all of the members of the CPS Audit and Risk Assurance Committee, currently Simon Jeffreys, Stephen Parkinson, Michael Dunn, Deborah Harris, Dr Subo Shanmuganathan.

Each of those eight statements stands as a matter of record unless and until it had been expressly denied to by each and all of the members of the CPS Nominations, Leadership and Remuneration Committee, currently Kathryn Stone, Stephen Parkinson, and Monica Burch.

And each of those eight statements stands as a matter of record unless and until it had been expressly denied to by each and all of the 279 members of staff of the CPS North East Area, by definition including, but not restricted to, Chief Crown Prosecutor Gail Gilchrist, and the Area Business Manager, Ian Brown.

This post will appear daily until further notice.

The Clergy Challenge: Day 1042

I invite each and every bishop, priest and deacon of the Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle to contact if he thought that I was factually or morally guilty of any criminal charge that had ever been brought against me.

Not legally guilty; Bill Cosby is legally innocent. Factually and morally guilty. No name would be published except at the request of its bearer, but if anyone ever did get in touch, then the readers of this site would be the first to know. The current total is zero.

This post will appear daily until further notice.

The Representatives Challenge: Day 1042

As already stated on the day after my release: "The instant that Labour lost control of Durham County Council, then I was granted an unsolicited tag for more than 10 weeks of future good behaviour. I invite each and every Member of Parliament for the area covered by Durham County Council, each and every member of Durham County Council, and each and every member of Lanchester Parish Council, to contact if they thought that I was factually or morally guilty of any criminal charge that had ever been brought against me. Not legally guilty; Bill Cosby is legally innocent. Factually and morally guilty. No name would be published except at the request of its bearer, but if anyone ever did get in touch, then the readers of this site would be the first to know." The current total is zero.

And since Lanchester has been moved into North Durham by the boundary changes, I invite each and every candidate for that parliamentary seat to contact if they thought that I was factually or morally guilty of any criminal charge that had ever been brought against me. Not legally guilty; Bill Cosby is legally innocent. Factually and morally guilty. In this case, names most certainly will be published. The current total is zero.

This post will appear daily until further notice.

Thursday 13 June 2024

Driving On The Wrong Side

Who or what could Anne Sacoolas possibly be? Still, no Julian Assange for the Americans, then. Repeal the one-sided extradition arrangements. And close those bases, with their fake British names. This woman killed someone. Keep saying that until it quite sinks in.

Wednesday 12 June 2024

Living By The Sword

Whether I got to see it may depend on what the doctor had found by then, but on what used to be called the other side tomorrow, look forward to the same line-up as last week. The coronation of Penny Mordaunt continues apace. She is at least as important in her party as Angela Rayner is on, again, what used to be called the other side. The Conservatives are the party of gender self-identification.

They may not be the only one. The one in that link also seems to want to throw Jody McIntyre under the bus, but it cannot do so because the candidate against Jess Phillips, with a real chance of winning or at least of influencing the result, is too high-profile and promising to be disowned. From the top, there is silence on both cases.

To return to Mordaunt, she is a beneficiary of a very British sort of gender-bending, the advancement of women who appealed to men whose heterosexuality had been wired wrongly by adolescences that had been spent with no outlet apart from each other or worse, though also male. Historically a Conservative phenomenon, and still very much so, it is nevertheless, or therefore, heavily influential among the Labour Party's all-powerful staff, and thus on the impending Labour parliamentary intake. Look at the present Labour frontbench, and see what I mean. That is what they like, and there is a reason for that.

Back On Twitter

I follow back.

The Safeguarding Challenge: Day 336

I am morally and factually innocent of every criminal offence with which I have ever been charged, and the allegation at the base of any outstanding charge has been made in order to incite my suicide.

That purely factual statement is acknowledged as such, unless and until it had been expressly repudiated to, by each and all of the members of the Board of the Catholic Safeguarding Standards Agency, currently Nazir Afzal, Amanda Ellingworth, Wesley Cuell, Bishop Paul Mason, Sarah Kilmartin, Jenny Holmes, Sir David Behan, and Sr Una Coogan IBVM.

That purely factual statement is acknowledged as such, unless and until it had been expressly repudiated to, by each and all of the members of the Hexham and Newcastle Diocesan Safeguarding Committee, currently Gail McGregor, Paul Weatherstone, Fr Christopher Hancock MHM, Canon William Agley, Catherine Dyer, Canon Martin Stempczyk, Canon Peter Leighton VG, Maureen Dale, and Tony Lawless.

And that purely factual statement is acknowledged as such, unless and until it had been expressly repudiated to, by each and all of the members of the Hexham and Newcastle Diocesan Safeguarding Team, currently Meriel Anderson, Ian Colling, Andrew Grant, Kirsty McIntyre, Lisa Short, Yvonne Brown, and Petra Scarr.

I am morally and factually innocent of every criminal offence with which I have ever been charged, and the allegation at the base of any outstanding charge has been made in order to incite my suicide. I should emphasise that there is absolutely no risk that I might ever give anyone the satisfaction of my suicide.

This post will appear daily until further notice.

The CPS Challenge: Day 336

I am morally and factually innocent of every criminal offence with which I have ever been charged, and any outstanding charge is being pursued by the Crown Prosecution Service as part of its organised persecution of the opponents and critics of Keir Starmer, which is its principal national priority.

I am morally and factually innocent of every criminal offence with which I have ever been charged, and any outstanding charge is being pursued by the Crown Prosecution Service in order to prevent me from seeking the position of General Secretary of Unite the Union on a programme including disaffiliation from the Labour Party, a proposal that would be hugely popular two years into a Starmer Government.

I am morally and factually innocent of every criminal offence with which I have ever been charged, and any outstanding charge is being pursued by the Crown Prosecution Service in order to prevent me from establishing a thinktank to strengthen families and communities by securing economic equality and international peace through the democratic political control of the means to those ends, including national and parliamentary sovereignty.

I am morally and factually innocent of every criminal offence with which I have ever been charged, and any outstanding charge is being pursued by the Crown Prosecution Service in order to prevent me from establishing a weekly magazine of news and comment, a monthly cultural review, a quarterly academic journal, and perhaps eventually also a fortnightly satirical magazine.

I am morally and factually innocent of every criminal offence with which I have ever been charged, and any outstanding charge is being pursued by the Crown Prosecution Service in order to prevent me from taking journalistic, political or other paid work for fear of losing my entitlement to Legal Aid.

I am morally and factually innocent of every criminal offence with which I have ever been charged, and any outstanding charge is being pursued by the Crown Prosecution Service out of the same racism that has caused it to refuse to prosecute the Police Officers in the case of Stephen Lawrence.

And I am morally and factually innocent of every criminal offence with which I have ever been charged, and any outstanding charge is being pursued by the Crown Prosecution Service in order to incite my politically motivated murder, a murder that the CPS has already decided would never lead to any prosecution.

Each of those eight statements stands as a matter of record unless and until it had been expressly denied to by each and all of the members of the CPS Board, currently Monica Burch, Stephen Parkinson, Simon Jeffreys, Dr Subo Shanmuganathan, and Kathryn Stone.

Each of those eight statements stands as a matter of record unless and until it had been expressly denied to by each and all of the CPS senior leadership, currently Tristan Bradshaw, Dawn Brodrick, Mike Browne, Steve Buckingham, Matthew Cain, Gregor McGill, Grace Ononiwu, and Baljhit Ubey.

Each of those eight statements stands as a matter of record unless and until it had been expressly denied to by each and all of the members of the CPS Audit and Risk Assurance Committee, currently Simon Jeffreys, Stephen Parkinson, Michael Dunn, Deborah Harris, Dr Subo Shanmuganathan.

Each of those eight statements stands as a matter of record unless and until it had been expressly denied to by each and all of the members of the CPS Nominations, Leadership and Remuneration Committee, currently Kathryn Stone, Stephen Parkinson, and Monica Burch.

And each of those eight statements stands as a matter of record unless and until it had been expressly denied to by each and all of the 279 members of staff of the CPS North East Area, by definition including, but not restricted to, Chief Crown Prosecutor Gail Gilchrist, and the Area Business Manager, Ian Brown.

This post will appear daily until further notice.

The Clergy Challenge: Day 1040

I invite each and every bishop, priest and deacon of the Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle to contact if he thought that I was factually or morally guilty of any criminal charge that had ever been brought against me.

Not legally guilty; Bill Cosby is legally innocent. Factually and morally guilty. No name would be published except at the request of its bearer, but if anyone ever did get in touch, then the readers of this site would be the first to know. The current total is zero.

This post will appear daily until further notice.

The Representatives Challenge: Day 1040

As already stated on the day after my release: "The instant that Labour lost control of Durham County Council, then I was granted an unsolicited tag for more than 10 weeks of future good behaviour. I invite each and every Member of Parliament for the area covered by Durham County Council, each and every member of Durham County Council, and each and every member of Lanchester Parish Council, to contact if they thought that I was factually or morally guilty of any criminal charge that had ever been brought against me. Not legally guilty; Bill Cosby is legally innocent. Factually and morally guilty. No name would be published except at the request of its bearer, but if anyone ever did get in touch, then the readers of this site would be the first to know." The current total is zero.

And since Lanchester has been moved into North Durham by the boundary changes, I invite each and every candidate for that parliamentary seat to contact if they thought that I was factually or morally guilty of any criminal charge that had ever been brought against me. Not legally guilty; Bill Cosby is legally innocent. Factually and morally guilty. In this case, names most certainly will be published. The current total is zero.

This post will appear daily until further notice.

And What Issues They Face

I told you that no one on the Left could share with Ben Sellers any major or many minor disagreements with me without also disagreeing in the same terms with George Galloway, so that anyone in the Workers Party of Britain who agreed more with Sellers than with me would have to be either hopelessly naïve or an entryist. And here we are.

What does even Oliver Kamm, who gloats that he arranged this candidacy, have to say about this? My withdrawal from this election is the biggest regret of my life, but it is done. Like hundreds of people who have been in touch, I now cannot vote for any candidate at North Durham. And notice that this one copies in the Workers Party's National Election Coordinator, and candidate at Cities of London and Westminster, who has the EU flag in his Twitter biography.

Tuesday 11 June 2024

Third Post, The Past

In the battle for third place in the popular vote, Ed Davey is being sold and bought as the friendly neighbour or cuddly uncle of people just like the subpostmasters. This rehabilitation is the worst case yet of the Liberal Democrats' whitewash of the Coalition.

Four and a half years ago, I listened to the Lib Dem candidate for North West Durham bang on for several minutes about the Bedroom Tax. He never spoke to me again after I pointed out that his party had been in government at the time. Both parties to the Coalition were and are to blame for everything that it did, from that, to the war in Libya, to the Post Office scandal, for which Davey was the Minister responsible, to the privatisation of the Royal Mail, which was done by Vince Cable. Oh, the comments that I used to have to reject when I mentioned that the Post Office had had to be cut out of the Royal Mail in 2011 so that the Royal Mail could be privatised, because the City had known, even then, about Horizon. On 24 May, that was confirmed.

The Lib Dems' rival for the prized bronze medal is Reform UK. Nigel Farage has endorsed Sammy Wilson and Ian Paisley, even though Jim Allister of Traditional Unionist Voice has hitherto been allowed to use the Reform logo on his material as a challenger for Paisley's seat. Reform always should have been made to explain to voters in England, Scotland and Wales the nature of its partner, TUV. Since apparently some version of that partnership still exists, it should now be made to explain both that and, most obviously, the role of Wilson in chairing the founding rally of Ulster Resistance, which has never disbanded or disarmed in any way, nor even declared a ceasefire.

Those arms were procured from apartheid South Africa by the Paris Three, one of whom was Noel Little, the father of Emma Little-Pengelly. Now the Deputy First Minister of Northern Ireland, a position with powers equal to those of the First Minister, Little-Pengelly was the MP for Belfast South from 2017 to 2019. She owed her election, for a somewhat improbable seat, to the concerted efforts of the local Loyalist paramilitary organisations, to whom she extended barely coded thanks in her acceptance speech. Throughout her time in Parliament, the Government had an overall majority of one. Throughout that time, she was that majority. Countries are sanctioned for less. These questions are not new. Whatever else may be said of First Past the Post, and the weakness of the arguments on the other side means that the case for change has not been made, it is no cordon sanitaire against the Far Right, including the terrorist Far Right.

All The Fun On The Fringe

It gladdens my trade unionist heart. There is an old trick of saying that something has been cut if spending on it has in fact been increased, but by less than the relevant union had wanted. That gap is called the cut. Likewise, the Conservatives are not proposing to cut taxes. They are only pretending that they would not put them up by as much as the present figures would suggest. If they got away with calling that a cut, then the game would have been changed beyond all recognition.

Being expensive is not the same as being uncosted. Jeremy Corbyn's General Election manifestos were fully costed. Keir Starmer is a liar, although it is interesting that this, and not the old scam that has just failed against the Green Party, is now the line for attacking Corbyn and thus, well, more or less anything or anyone, even Rishi Sunak.

Similarly dishonestly, those seat-by-seat predictions are basing Corbyn's result at Islington North on that of his Independent opponent in 2019, are basing Lee Anderson's result at Ashfield on that of his Brexit Party opponent in 2019, are basing Nigel Farage's result at Clacton on heaven knows what, and are basing George Galloway's result at Rochdale on a 2019 result before the Workers Party existed.

Speaking of the Workers Party, Oliver Kamm has been in touch to gloat that after my nomination papers had gone in, he had colluded with it to field a candidate at North Durham, making Lanchester the only ward of the former North West Durham constituency to be so blessed. Long noted for his friendly Twitter banter with Ben Sellers, so that there are dots to be joined, Kamm says this now that I have withdrawn.

I never should have done. That was a valid nomination, accepted as such, and having seen an interview with the Workers Party candidate, he turned out to have lived only five years within anything more than the ceremonial boundaries of County Durham (if that, since he did not specify on which part of Teesside he had audibly spent most of his life), he could not name the prominent councillor for the town in which he now lived and who was Luke Akehurst's agent, and he is obsessed with Akehurst, whereas my candidacy was unconnected to anyone else's.

It is not going to be good news from the doctor later this week, but I should have held out against this even to the death. The disappointed, and justly angry, people who have made contact to say that they would now be unable to vote at all are already well into triple figures. Why should I vote, either? Any possible outcome of this General Election would make the case for each of my ongoing projects such that I am indifferent to that outcome itself, which could only be to my benefit no matter what it was. And I sure as hell would not vote for Kamm.

The Safeguarding Challenge: Day 335

I am morally and factually innocent of every criminal offence with which I have ever been charged, and the allegation at the base of any outstanding charge has been made in order to incite my suicide.

That purely factual statement is acknowledged as such, unless and until it had been expressly repudiated to, by each and all of the members of the Board of the Catholic Safeguarding Standards Agency, currently Nazir Afzal, Amanda Ellingworth, Wesley Cuell, Bishop Paul Mason, Sarah Kilmartin, Jenny Holmes, Sir David Behan, and Sr Una Coogan IBVM.

That purely factual statement is acknowledged as such, unless and until it had been expressly repudiated to, by each and all of the members of the Hexham and Newcastle Diocesan Safeguarding Committee, currently Gail McGregor, Paul Weatherstone, Fr Christopher Hancock MHM, Canon William Agley, Catherine Dyer, Canon Martin Stempczyk, Canon Peter Leighton VG, Maureen Dale, and Tony Lawless.

And that purely factual statement is acknowledged as such, unless and until it had been expressly repudiated to, by each and all of the members of the Hexham and Newcastle Diocesan Safeguarding Team, currently Meriel Anderson, Ian Colling, Andrew Grant, Kirsty McIntyre, Lisa Short, Yvonne Brown, and Petra Scarr.

I am morally and factually innocent of every criminal offence with which I have ever been charged, and the allegation at the base of any outstanding charge has been made in order to incite my suicide. I should emphasise that there is absolutely no risk that I might ever give anyone the satisfaction of my suicide.

This post will appear daily until further notice.

The CPS Challenge: Day 335

I am morally and factually innocent of every criminal offence with which I have ever been charged, and any outstanding charge is being pursued by the Crown Prosecution Service as part of its organised persecution of the opponents and critics of Keir Starmer, which is its principal national priority.

I am morally and factually innocent of every criminal offence with which I have ever been charged, and any outstanding charge is being pursued by the Crown Prosecution Service in order to prevent me from seeking the position of General Secretary of Unite the Union on a programme including disaffiliation from the Labour Party, a proposal that would be hugely popular two years into a Starmer Government.

I am morally and factually innocent of every criminal offence with which I have ever been charged, and any outstanding charge is being pursued by the Crown Prosecution Service in order to prevent me from establishing a thinktank to strengthen families and communities by securing economic equality and international peace through the democratic political control of the means to those ends, including national and parliamentary sovereignty.

I am morally and factually innocent of every criminal offence with which I have ever been charged, and any outstanding charge is being pursued by the Crown Prosecution Service in order to prevent me from establishing a weekly magazine of news and comment, a monthly cultural review, a quarterly academic journal, and perhaps eventually also a fortnightly satirical magazine.

I am morally and factually innocent of every criminal offence with which I have ever been charged, and any outstanding charge is being pursued by the Crown Prosecution Service in order to prevent me from taking journalistic, political or other paid work for fear of losing my entitlement to Legal Aid.

I am morally and factually innocent of every criminal offence with which I have ever been charged, and any outstanding charge is being pursued by the Crown Prosecution Service out of the same racism that has caused it to refuse to prosecute the Police Officers in the case of Stephen Lawrence.

And I am morally and factually innocent of every criminal offence with which I have ever been charged, and any outstanding charge is being pursued by the Crown Prosecution Service in order to incite my politically motivated murder, a murder that the CPS has already decided would never lead to any prosecution.

Each of those eight statements stands as a matter of record unless and until it had been expressly denied to by each and all of the members of the CPS Board, currently Monica Burch, Stephen Parkinson, Simon Jeffreys, Dr Subo Shanmuganathan, and Kathryn Stone.

Each of those eight statements stands as a matter of record unless and until it had been expressly denied to by each and all of the CPS senior leadership, currently Tristan Bradshaw, Dawn Brodrick, Mike Browne, Steve Buckingham, Matthew Cain, Gregor McGill, Grace Ononiwu, and Baljhit Ubey.

Each of those eight statements stands as a matter of record unless and until it had been expressly denied to by each and all of the members of the CPS Audit and Risk Assurance Committee, currently Simon Jeffreys, Stephen Parkinson, Michael Dunn, Deborah Harris, Dr Subo Shanmuganathan.

Each of those eight statements stands as a matter of record unless and until it had been expressly denied to by each and all of the members of the CPS Nominations, Leadership and Remuneration Committee, currently Kathryn Stone, Stephen Parkinson, and Monica Burch.

And each of those eight statements stands as a matter of record unless and until it had been expressly denied to by each and all of the 279 members of staff of the CPS North East Area, by definition including, but not restricted to, Chief Crown Prosecutor Gail Gilchrist, and the Area Business Manager, Ian Brown.

This post will appear daily until further notice.

The Clergy Challenge: Day 1039

I invite each and every bishop, priest and deacon of the Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle to contact if he thought that I was factually or morally guilty of any criminal charge that had ever been brought against me.

Not legally guilty; Bill Cosby is legally innocent. Factually and morally guilty. No name would be published except at the request of its bearer, but if anyone ever did get in touch, then the readers of this site would be the first to know. The current total is zero.

This post will appear daily until further notice.

The Representatives Challenge: 1039

As already stated on the day after my release: "The instant that Labour lost control of Durham County Council, then I was granted an unsolicited tag for more than 10 weeks of future good behaviour. I invite each and every Member of Parliament for the area covered by Durham County Council, each and every member of Durham County Council, and each and every member of Lanchester Parish Council, to contact if they thought that I was factually or morally guilty of any criminal charge that had ever been brought against me. Not legally guilty; Bill Cosby is legally innocent. Factually and morally guilty. No name would be published except at the request of its bearer, but if anyone ever did get in touch, then the readers of this site would be the first to know." The current total is zero.

And since Lanchester has been moved into North Durham by the boundary changes, I invite each and every candidate for that parliamentary seat to contact if they thought that I was factually or morally guilty of any criminal charge that had ever been brought against me. Not legally guilty; Bill Cosby is legally innocent. Factually and morally guilty. In this case, names most certainly will be published. The current total is zero.

This post will appear daily until further notice.

Monday 10 June 2024

Fash In The Pan

Just as nowhere that was governed by Spads would have any right to mock the fact that Gabriel Attal and Jordan Bardella were barely out of school and had never had proper jobs, so nowhere with pairing would have any right to accuse anywhere else of having a pretend Parliament that existed only to serve the Executive.

The Council of Ministers can occasionally be a tougher crowd, although the rarity of that is usually because normal politics had ironed things out before they got that far, but it is true that the European Parliament passes whatever the Commission puts in front of it. So, like the British Parliament, then. Loss of a Government Bill would amount to a vote of no confidence, and therefore never happens. Unless the Government adopted it, then any Private Member's Bill will always run out of time.

The European Parliament cannot propose amendments, but when does the House of Commons ever pass a significant amendment, whether its own or from the Lords, to a Government Bill? To the Budget, it actually cannot do so. When the Government is at risk of defeat due to rebellion on its own side, then the Opposition whips to abstain, or even to vote with the Government. And there is always pairing.

Within this, a Conservative Government has spent the time since Brexit imitating as far as possible the Monégasque National Council, which copies out the laws of France and enacts them as the laws of Monaco. That practice will become even more prevalent in the next Parliament, no matter who had won the General Election.

At the same time, the change in the composition of the European Parliament, soon to be reflected in national governments and thus in a Council of Ministers that already featured the likes of Fidesz and the Brothers of Italy, means that the power to say no, which does exist, may come to be used, as it never would be at Westminster. Legislation would be drafted so as the preclude that by suiting those who might attempt it. In relation to the Council, that already happens.

Therefore, it does indeed matter to Britain who wins European elections. It matters more than who wins a General Election for the privilege of implementing EU legislation in which no one from the United Kingdom had been involved at any stage. Our imperial masters are now to be full-throated Fascists in the proper sense of the word, as some of them already were. Some of them are literally Nazis. Yet anything less than the lowest possible obeisance to them is cranky, extremist deviation from the grownup, sensible moderation of the sacred centre ground, and most likely to be banished from public discourse by being branded "anti-Semitic".

Centrism and right-wing populism are con tricks to sell exactly the same economic and foreign policies to different audiences by pretending to wage a culture war. While pre-existing conservative phenomena have been known to ally with Fascism, usually to their own ruin, it is the liberal bourgeoisie that keeps Fascism in reserve for when it might ever face any serious demand to share its economic or social power with anyone who did not have it before the rise of the bourgeois liberal order, or to share its cultural or political power with anyone at all. EU suzerainty will be one of its myriad means of repressing any such challenge in the Britain of the next five, 10, 15 and 20 years.

51 Weeks

Nominations have been closed for 51 weeks, so when is the election?

If you know, you know.

Other than that, I really only see myself voting for personal friends from now on, so probably only for Lanchester Parish Council.

The Safeguarding Challenge: Day 334

I am morally and factually innocent of every criminal offence with which I have ever been charged, and the allegation at the base of any outstanding charge has been made in order to incite my suicide.

That purely factual statement is acknowledged as such, unless and until it had been expressly repudiated to, by each and all of the members of the Board of the Catholic Safeguarding Standards Agency, currently Nazir Afzal, Amanda Ellingworth, Wesley Cuell, Bishop Paul Mason, Sarah Kilmartin, Jenny Holmes, Sir David Behan, and Sr Una Coogan IBVM.

That purely factual statement is acknowledged as such, unless and until it had been expressly repudiated to, by each and all of the members of the Hexham and Newcastle Diocesan Safeguarding Committee, currently Gail McGregor, Paul Weatherstone, Fr Christopher Hancock MHM, Canon William Agley, Catherine Dyer, Canon Martin Stempczyk, Canon Peter Leighton VG, Maureen Dale, and Tony Lawless.

And that purely factual statement is acknowledged as such, unless and until it had been expressly repudiated to, by each and all of the members of the Hexham and Newcastle Diocesan Safeguarding Team, currently Meriel Anderson, Ian Colling, Andrew Grant, Kirsty McIntyre, Lisa Short, Yvonne Brown, and Petra Scarr.

I am morally and factually innocent of every criminal offence with which I have ever been charged, and the allegation at the base of any outstanding charge has been made in order to incite my suicide. I should emphasise that there is absolutely no risk that I might ever give anyone the satisfaction of my suicide.

This post will appear daily until further notice.

The CPS Challenge: Day 334

I am morally and factually innocent of every criminal offence with which I have ever been charged, and any outstanding charge is being pursued by the Crown Prosecution Service as part of its organised persecution of the opponents and critics of Keir Starmer, which is its principal national priority.

I am morally and factually innocent of every criminal offence with which I have ever been charged, and any outstanding charge is being pursued by the Crown Prosecution Service in order to prevent me from seeking the position of General Secretary of Unite the Union on a programme including disaffiliation from the Labour Party, a proposal that would be hugely popular two years into a Starmer Government.

I am morally and factually innocent of every criminal offence with which I have ever been charged, and any outstanding charge is being pursued by the Crown Prosecution Service in order to prevent me from establishing a thinktank to strengthen families and communities by securing economic equality and international peace through the democratic political control of the means to those ends, including national and parliamentary sovereignty.

I am morally and factually innocent of every criminal offence with which I have ever been charged, and any outstanding charge is being pursued by the Crown Prosecution Service in order to prevent me from establishing a weekly magazine of news and comment, a monthly cultural review, a quarterly academic journal, and perhaps eventually also a fortnightly satirical magazine.

I am morally and factually innocent of every criminal offence with which I have ever been charged, and any outstanding charge is being pursued by the Crown Prosecution Service in order to prevent me from taking journalistic, political or other paid work for fear of losing my entitlement to Legal Aid.

I am morally and factually innocent of every criminal offence with which I have ever been charged, and any outstanding charge is being pursued by the Crown Prosecution Service out of the same racism that has caused it to refuse to prosecute the Police Officers in the case of Stephen Lawrence.

And I am morally and factually innocent of every criminal offence with which I have ever been charged, and any outstanding charge is being pursued by the Crown Prosecution Service in order to incite my politically motivated murder, a murder that the CPS has already decided would never lead to any prosecution.

Each of those eight statements stands as a matter of record unless and until it had been expressly denied to by each and all of the members of the CPS Board, currently Monica Burch, Stephen Parkinson, Simon Jeffreys, Dr Subo Shanmuganathan, and Kathryn Stone.

Each of those eight statements stands as a matter of record unless and until it had been expressly denied to by each and all of the CPS senior leadership, currently Tristan Bradshaw, Dawn Brodrick, Mike Browne, Steve Buckingham, Matthew Cain, Gregor McGill, Grace Ononiwu, and Baljhit Ubey.

Each of those eight statements stands as a matter of record unless and until it had been expressly denied to by each and all of the members of the CPS Audit and Risk Assurance Committee, currently Simon Jeffreys, Stephen Parkinson, Michael Dunn, Deborah Harris, Dr Subo Shanmuganathan.

Each of those eight statements stands as a matter of record unless and until it had been expressly denied to by each and all of the members of the CPS Nominations, Leadership and Remuneration Committee, currently Kathryn Stone, Stephen Parkinson, and Monica Burch.

And each of those eight statements stands as a matter of record unless and until it had been expressly denied to by each and all of the 279 members of staff of the CPS North East Area, by definition including, but not restricted to, Chief Crown Prosecutor Gail Gilchrist, and the Area Business Manager, Ian Brown.

This post will appear daily until further notice.

The Clergy Challenge: Day 1038

I invite each and every bishop, priest and deacon of the Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle to contact if he thought that I was factually or morally guilty of any criminal charge that had ever been brought against me.

Not legally guilty; Bill Cosby is legally innocent. Factually and morally guilty. No name would be published except at the request of its bearer, but if anyone ever did get in touch, then the readers of this site would be the first to know. The current total is zero.

This post will appear daily until further notice.

The Representatives Challenge: Day 1038

As already stated on the day after my release: "The instant that Labour lost control of Durham County Council, then I was granted an unsolicited tag for more than 10 weeks of future good behaviour. I invite each and every Member of Parliament for the area covered by Durham County Council, each and every member of Durham County Council, and each and every member of Lanchester Parish Council, to contact if they thought that I was factually or morally guilty of any criminal charge that had ever been brought against me. Not legally guilty; Bill Cosby is legally innocent. Factually and morally guilty. No name would be published except at the request of its bearer, but if anyone ever did get in touch, then the readers of this site would be the first to know." The current total is zero.

And since Lanchester has been moved into North Durham by the boundary changes, I invite each and every candidate for that parliamentary seat to contact if they thought that I was factually or morally guilty of any criminal charge that had ever been brought against me. Not legally guilty; Bill Cosby is legally innocent. Factually and morally guilty. In this case, names most certainly will be published. The current total is zero.

This post will appear daily until further notice.

Sunday 9 June 2024


The fact that the 2010 Equality Act would have to be amended to clarify that "sex" meant "biological sex" is a stark reminder that 14 years ago, it had no other possible meaning. Few people would have thought of one in 2015, at the end of the Coalition.

This whole situation has arisen while there were only Conservatives in government, and mostly during the Parliament that has just been dissolved, which the Conservative Party began with a huge majority, retaining a healthy one to the end. Whoever, if anyone, may be able to solve this problem, it is not the people who have caused it.


Even leaving aside the routine presence of all and sundry in the Council of Ministers, codecision has been the European Union's ordinary legislative procedure since the Treaty of Lisbon, so it really does matter who sits in the European Parliament. For all its faults, largely built in, codecison bears comparison with our own parliamentary process, which is likewise that way largely by design. The loss of a Government Bill would amount to a vote of no confidence. When did it last happen? Parliament just approves Government Bills, and such Private Members' Bills as the Government felt like giving time, often ones that it had written for itself and handed over to someone amenable. Anything that entailed spending one penny piece has to be proposed by the Executive.

Ursula von der Leyen was appointed with the support of only a bare majority of MEPs, 383 out of 705, but Rishi Sunak was probably appointed without the support of any majority of the House of Commons, and Liz Truss certainly was by a very wide margin. Even the claim to have commanded the support of the majority of MPs from the governing party never remotely applied to her. Yet she still became Prime Minister. And it fell to the money markets to bring her down. There can only be a motion of no confidence in the entire Government, and that would entail a General Election if it passed. No MP from the governing party would ever vote for that. Truss never commanded majority support in the Commons, but there was no way of getting rid of her. Not there, anyway. The City could do it. And did. 

As with the monarchy, we have a Parliament because foreigners will pay to look at its palace. That is as good a reason as any. Within this tourist attraction, the Executive ensures, although most MPs including most Conservatives are more than happy that it should, that the United Kingdom remain as closely aligned as possible with the EU. So it matters to us who sits both in the Council of Ministers and in the European Parliament. No one from Britain does, but the people who do, make our laws. They will do so even more after this General Election, no matter what its outcome. Look who they are going to be.

Well, of course. While pre-existing conservative phenomena have been known to ally with Fascism, usually to their own ruin, it is the liberal bourgeoisie that keeps Fascism in reserve for when it might ever face any serious demand to share its economic or social power with anyone who did not have it before the rise of the bourgeois liberal order, or to share its cultural or political power with anyone at all. EU suzerainty will be one of its many, many, many means of repressing any such challenge in the Britain of the next five, 10, 15 and 20 years.

Successfully Resolved?

Including a seconder who was a former District Councillor for this ward, more people in Lanchester signed my nomination papers than turned out today to canvass for Luke Akehurst. Unless I am very much mistaken, only one person in this photograph lives in Lanchester.

Whoever this Chris Bradburn is, then he had better take more votes than the winning candidate's margin of victory over Akehurst. If he failed to take at least the 414 that I did last time, then I ought to have seen this through even if I had dropped dead at the count, whether of natural causes or otherwise. Pretty much my dream way to go.

Bradburn is one of the Workers Party of Britain's 152 candidates. Yes, 152. Great Britain contains 632 constituencies. The Workers Party is contesting only one in four of them. Its long-announced candidate at Blaydon and Consett, where it has some established presence in Chopwell (of course; if you know, you know), has disappeared. Yet it simply has to contest North Durham, in the person of a candidate of whom no one has ever heard, who was probably selected after my nomination papers had gone in on Tuesday morning, and who was certainly selected after readers of this site knew that those papers had been completed, which was last Sunday evening.

The Workers Party informs us that, "Having listed a number of pre-approved candidates, the Workers Party has engaged with Independents and other groups who made representations to us. We have successfully resolved a large number of contested seats and considered numerous submissions from non-party Independents." Really? Who? Where? There is no Workers Party or Independent candidate for three of the four seats among which North West Durham has been divided, and that party never even acknowledged receipt of my email about North Durham. Bradburn had better do seriously well.

No signatory to Bradburn's nomination papers rings any bell in my head from the last 30 and more years of political and community activism in the old Derwentside area, and he is related to at least two of them, including a proposer who is presumably his wife. I am tempted to hope that she is his mother, since for all the stick that some people give me for living with mine, she has never proposed me for public office. Likewise, Bradburn's last assentor, the one without whom he would never have made it onto the ballot paper, is what? His father? His brother? His son? Still, that is where my vote is going to have to go.

Even if it were the last vote that I ever cast. While I still want the vacant position to which I was elected unopposed a year ago, my magazine and my thinktank are my focus now, with other projects in development. I live in this country rather than in any of the ones that it bombs, so, since I am not an hereditary peer, no General Election result in my lifetime has affected my life, and whatever the outcome this time, it is going to be no exception; even if I had indeed been the umpteenth Lord Lindsay of Lanchester, then the impact on me would have been a one-off, 27 years ago. Speaking of Lanchester, I have got the message, so you are going to have to find a new swot to beat up. Everyone who has been in touch to say that they had wanted to vote for me and now would not be voting at all, including some who would have been first time voters, you cannot begin to know how sorry I am.

Satan Has Risen Up Against Himself

It has been 31 weeks since Sunday 5th November, when the Police were informed by two people in the United States and by two people in the Philippines, and I confirmed, that I had been imprisoned on what was incontrovertibly a lie. It has also been two weeks since the Police were sent incontrovertible proof that the liar had destroyed evidence, and that on quite a considerable scale. On both counts, the full facts are also known to the Police and Crime Commissioner, to the Cabinet Minister who was my MP until a few days ago, to the Crown Prosecution Service, to the Catholic Church at diocesan and parochial levels, and to a number of local, regional and national journalists.

Do the four known suicides of wronged subpostmasters prove their guilt? Here is your weekly reminder that this could not have been an executive summary of this. That would have been impossible, since they bear no resemblance to each other. It is all here, including on the ludicrous definition of "grooming" that was used to hound Canon Michael McCoy to his death, and including on the nonsense about Fr Timothy Gardner OP. Something has changed since 3rd May 2023. What is it? And where is the original report?

I have no qualms about styling Fr Gardner OP as such, since he has not been laicised, nor, unless I am very much mistaken, has he been dismissed from the Order of Preachers. It has been four weeks since I emailed the Northumbria Police and Crime Commissioner, Susan Dungworth, in the following terms: "I appreciate that this is not strictly your responsibility, but I have been completely unable to find an email address for Northumbria Police, so please forward this to them. Fr Timothy Gardner OP is due back before Newcastle Crown Court in July. As set out below, the principal witness against him is wildly incredible ... The case against Fr Gardner needs to be halted immediately. At the very least, his solicitor and barrister need to be made aware of these facts. Very many thanks."

I do not resile from this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this or this. Rather, I reiterate every word of each and all of them. There was no cathedral sex party. The move from the old Bishop's House to the new one made a profit. There was no allegation of sexual assault against Bishop Robert Byrne CO, who should sue every media outlet that had suggested one.

Although I am often asked, I know neither where nor how Bishop Byrne is. But I am often asked. I am not doing Marko Rupnik, because that would involve siding with the people who had done nothing for Bishop Byrne. They and Rupnik can all go to Hell in the same handcart. Nor am I interested in anything that you might have to say about Bishop Joseph Strickland unless you had fought for Bishop Byrne.

I may not, but I may, accept the present report when Bishop Byrne had done so, and to the extent that he had done so. His Lordship has yet to do so to any extent. At least while that remains the case, then I reject the whole thing out of hand, and so should you. The sum total of the charge sheet against Bishop Byrne is that he did not automatically do as he was told by the hired help. But Pat Buckley, who died on Friday, did not like Bishop Stephen Wright, so Bishop Wright must be all right.

Indeed, His Lordship preached well at his Enthronement. He clearly has a deep spirituality. There was also a speech by a self-identified survivor of clerical sexual abuse, one Maggie Vickerman. Neither her case, nor those to which she referred, had anything to do with Bishop Byrne, if they really happened at all. How do we know? At most, they were long before his brief time in this Diocese. If anything, certain people with some responsibility for them were in that sanctuary. Nor did Ms Vickerman make any attempt to disguise her theological agenda. Well, nor do I make any attempt to disguise mine.