Friday 7 June 2024

Statement of Person Nominated

For decades, I have borne the racial abuse, the disability-based abuse, and the physical assaults, including an attempted murder, inflicted upon me by the right-wing Labour machine in the North East. But not even the strangulation had ever previously left me with the breathing difficulties and the chest pains that I endure as I write this.

It is almost reassuring that some red-rosetted person who had clearly been born in the twenty-first century should even know the words "half-caste" and "spastic". But if he had grown up on the Labour Right, then he would. And while my spirit is still willing, my flesh is now too weak to cope with all of that, at least when it crossed over into sticks and stones. So I have withdrawn as a parliamentary candidate at North Durham. 500 votes would have been nice, but they would not have been worth having a heart attack for. Or being murdered for. Never say never, but other than the position for which I was duly nominated a year ago, yet to which no election has been held, thus leaving it unfilled, this looks like the end of my pursuit of elected public office. Trying to become a first-time MP in my fifties would be like still trying to become a rock star at that age. In Lanchester, people have had more than enough opportunities to vote for pretty much anyone to stop me. I only hope that they will no longer come crying to me.

I apologise to everyone who signed my nomination papers. If you gave money, then email, and, while it would not be until sometime next month, you would of course have it back. My other projects continue, with the most pressing, so to speak, being the weekly magazine and the thinktank. Vote for the Workers Party of Britain, even though its candidate is standing only because a specific individual is the Labour candidate, and even though it is at least in part a grift to get Short Money out of the efforts of candidates who have had to fund themselves. Give it 200 votes at North Durham, and assuming that George Galloway kept his own seat, then let it have another £38.75. But prepare for a Starmer Government that was as I had suffered, but on a national and international scale. That was what the last Labour Government was like. At his age, Keir Starmer himself would be a one-term Prime Minister. Yet expect the nightmare to last 15 to 20 years. Like a murder stretch. But without the remission.


  1. Classy list of people signed your nomination papers.

  2. Get well soon.

    1. Thank you, although I have no intention of coming back into the fray. "Older than the Prime Minister" is not just an expression after today.

  3. You are listed as signatures in, deposit paid, so you were on the ballot but pulled out?

    1. It is not worth dying for. The chest pains are still going strong. This could be a trip to the doctor next week. It would have been a trip to hospital if I had tried to fight a General Election, although whether for this or for a beating would have been only a matter of which had struck first.

  4. You are listed here, validly nominated but withdrew:

    Strange. Do you pay your deposit?

    1. I paid it, but they gave it back to me when I withdrew. If I were the Workers Party candidate, then I would buy a gun. I can do without all of this at my age and in my condition. I can also do without the Luke Akehurst circus, anyway. The whole debate in this seat has been completely skewed. Hustings are going to be all about the Middle East and the internal machinations of the Labour Party, dominated by people who thought that those were equally important.

  5. "I will be on that ballot paper, come what may." Well well, what a surprise.

  6. WPB it is then but you were a better candidate.

  7. Nooooooooooo!

    1. Losing elections was a weird hobby, anyway.

  8. At least you saved your deposit. You can take that to the bank!

  9. Hold on. You’ve published, multiple times a day, that it will be a hung parliament. Take it to the bank. You must have said this 200 times or more. Now all of a sudden it’s a Lab govt for 15 years? Give over.

    1. I said to prepare for one. Always prepare for the worst. Now that I am not a candidate, I am not overly concerned about the outcome. I am concerned about what comes next.

  10. You didn’t say prepare for one. You said one would happen. We could take it to the bank. Now all of a sudden, even though nothing has changed externally in the polls, you say what everyone else has been saying. Give over. You’re a fraud. I’ve wondered for a year or more how you would u turn on that ludicrous prediction. Utterly shameless. What a waste of judgement you are.

    1. No, I have said to prepare for a very long Labour Government as a worst case scenario. "But prepare for a Starmer Government that was as I had suffered, but on a national and international scale. That was what the last Labour Government was like. At his age, Keir Starmer himself would be a one-term Prime Minister. Yet expect the nightmare to last 15 to 20 years. Like a murder stretch. But without the remission."

  11. He did know his own candidate was a "spastic", didn't he?

  12. It would take a heart of stone not to laugh.

    1. I wish I had one of those. It would save me a fortune in painkillers.

  13. The dogs bark. The caravan moves on. But Mr Lindsay is the Dude. And the Dude abides.

    1. Lest anyone doubt the genius of the Coen Brothers, they managed to parody Ecclesiastes, itself in part arguably a parody of the tradition represented by Proverbs.
