Friday, 4 September 2020

Lovin' It?

If the Labour Party's rules had ever applied to the Right, then Ian Murray would already have been informed of his autoexclusion even though he never quite did eat the Berger. But the Labour Party has rules purely into order to punish the Left for existing. 

As for the Berger herself, she is presumably a Whopper since she does not tell the truth, and she still has occasional strops about the fact that I once dared to mention in passing how she had come to be given her safe seat in Parliament. She certainly passed the Euan Test.

Well, now, Loose Luciana, I shall be contesting the seat of North West Durham as an Independent at the next General Election. I assume that you are still a Liberal Democrat. Whether or not you are now, and whether or not you were then, stop whingeing, and put up or shut up.

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