Tuesday, 15 September 2020

Enemy Territory

Neither Bahrain nor the United Arab Emirates has ever been at war with Israel. But both of them are now at war with all of Israel's enemies. 

We are so enmeshed with the Gulf monarchies, several more of which are no doubt about to repeat this bizarre procedure, that so are we. We, too, are now at war with all of Israel's enemies. And Israel has a lot of enemies. But what have the Israelis ever done for us?

What do the Israelis ever do for anyone? After the war of 1967, the United States decided to ally with Israel, thereby acquiring numerous enemies in a region where it had previously had none. Give that a moment to sink in. Until the Americans allied with Israel, then they had had no enemies in the Middle East. Yet it had been during the war of 1967 that Israel had bombed the USS Liberty

Similarly, the World Trade Center and the Pentagon had been bombed by Saudi Arabia in 2001. But as a candidate for the Democratic Presidential nomination in 2008, Hillary Clinton promised a nuclear attack on Iran if she were so instructed by her Saudi, Kuwaiti and Emirati campaign donors. 

Remember that, as we consider the capture of the White House by the man who was Vice President in the Administration that initially had Clinton as Secretary of State; by the latest standard-bearer of the "liberal interventionist" tradition that first allied the United States to a state that had bombed its Navy only a few weeks earlier.

And stay away from Bahraini and Emirati assets in Britain, no doubt to be joined very soon by those of the other Gulf monarchies, and already joined by those of Saudi Arabia, which has dominated the previously promising Bahrain since 2011. Those assets are now among the premier terrorist targets in the world.

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