Sunday 28 June 2020

The Tactics Used

When a newspaper publishes an interview with a celebrity, then the article is written by the interviewer, not by the interviewee.

Neither the interviewer nor the editor necessarily keeps in any and every political opinion that the interviewee might have expressed. They do not even do that when interviewing a politician.

So when The Independent published the words of Maxine Peake, “The tactics used by the police in America, kneeling on George Floyd’s neck, that was learnt from seminars with Israeli secret services,” then it knew that, as a factual statement, those words were perfectly accurate.

Only once they had become the excuse for what had always been the planned defenestration of Rebecca Long-Bailey did The Independent recant to order, as the entire Liberal Establishment fell over itself to pretend, almost literally, that black was white.

But only in Britain is this happening. Peake’s original statement remains confirmed by the Minneapolis Police Department itself, by extensive coverage on the Jewish Virtual Library, and by numerous articles in Haaretz.

Until Thursday afternoon, it was uncontentious. Some people deplored it. Other people defended it. But nobody denied it. Outside Britain, they still don’t.

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