Monday 26 March 2018

Bored of Deputies

These bodies are representative of whom, exactly? And how, exactly? The number of people who voted for Jeremy Corbyn when he won the Labour Leadership for a second time is larger than the total number of Jews in this country.

The Board of Deputies is not in practice elected by most of them (it is a product of a very different age), and the rest of these things are completely self-appointed. Corbyn should have ignored them. Simply ignored them.

It is the Conservative Party that is dominated by the scions of Nazi-sympathising families. Corbyn's parents were at Cable Street, when the Board of Deputies told Jews to stay indoors. It is not much of an authority.

The bandwagon-jumpers absolutely hate Jews. Will not have them in the house. The Fleet Street types themselves might these days, at a push, if the Jews in question were the discreet sort. But the expensively uneducated womenfolk of Toryland would never stand for that under any circumstance. Dogs, yes. Any number of them. But not Jews. The mere thought would turn their blue rinses puce.

By the middle of the week, that will be the story here.

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