Thursday, 9 November 2017

Costing A Priti Penny

Penny Mordaunt it is, then. The Conservative Leavers are as the Lib Dems were, allowed to keep the Cabinet positions that they already hold but not to be considered for anything else, and primarily there to take the blame. Look what happened to the Lib Dems. That will happen to the Conservative Leavers.


  1. You would have made a bigger splash. All she has done is take to a diving board with their Daley Thompson fella on reality TV

    1. Well, that and falsely claiming on television that Turkey could join the EU without British consent. A proven liar has replaced a proven liar.

  2. I don't think she lied on that - she just showed her intellectual abilities. Reading is hardly your alma mater

    1. There's no need to be like that.

      Whenever Sir John Betjeman was asked to give a talk on "The Joy of Reading", then he would read out a script about Reading, and the glories of its bus station and so forth.
