Thursday 6 March 2014

Will The Revolution No Longer Be Televised?

I am getting on a bit, and I am therefore more of a BBC Four man. It is the channel that BBC Two ought to be.
But only BBC Three - not any of the Channel Four ones, take note - has given a platform to the invaluable and incomparable The Revolution Will Be Televised. That alone is reason enough to save it.
Fifty million pounds will be more than enough to cut everyone's license fee by a pound. Is that going to happen?
Oh, and when will we get BBC One HD on the 1 button in the North East and Cumbria? That's right. We still do not have it. Meaning that we still cannot watch our regional news in HD. Little things say a lot.


  1. It struck me as a rather childish and unsophisticated satire. At times it seemed more keen to be getting a point across than to be funny. I understand why you might find its anti-Toryism appealing but it also indulged in snearing and unoriginal anti-monarchism. Less Old Labour and more New Labour/Lib Dem.

  2. It was splendidly savage towards Labour. And the EU, among other apparently New Labour causes. And even the BBC.

    I did tell them on Twitter that attacking the Queen as if she ran the country was a bit cheap. But they told me to keep watching, and it was worth it.
